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Comfort Zone or Danger Zone?

When we speak about creating a level of health or a physique or a lifestyle we’ve never had before often it's going to require a process and routine we’ve never done before.
By Stuart Perry, Personal Trainer at Bangor published February 7, 2023

When we speak about creating a level of health or a physique or a lifestyle we’ve never had before often it's going to require a process and routine we’ve never done before. A level of being uncomfortable we’ve never been able to stick with before and often a new set of standards we hold ourselves to and guess what? At the start this doesn’t actually feel very good to do. Often it feels difficult, we usually come up short of these new standards and routines we are striving for and we second guess if we are even capable of achieving the end goal. Simply put we begin to feel uncomfortable and our survival mechanism kicks in telling us to return to safety return to what we know and to run away from this new scary thing were attempting.

Teaching yourself to use this feeling instead of becoming a victim to it I believe is one of the key areas to creating large scale change to our health and fitness. Once you become aware of your own uncomfortableness towards a goal or process you can begin to recognize it, call it out and unpack it whenever you feel it coming on. Work to understand it in detail by asking yourself exactly what about this process do I feel so uncertain about? And what can I do about it? Pretty soon you will come to realize being uncomfortable is just a feeling and very rarely rooted in any facts. It’s a survival mechanic built to help us sense danger before it arrives and often its triggered by unfamiliar surroundings and goals, we fear to be unachievable.

In health and fitness goals we are lucky because even if we fail the goal we really never go backwards as there is always an opportunity to try again using what you have learned from the failure to make it easier this time. So with this in mind comfortability can be used somewhat like a compass letting you know when you are on the right path to creating large scale change and really about to transform yourself and your ability’s because on the other side of being uncomfortable with a process or skill or lifestyle is mastering it and seeing huge success within it. But if you’re not willing to learn it and be uncomfortable in it to begin with you will never master it and receive all the good things that come with that.

So to finish up if you haven’t felt that slight feeling of being uncomfortable with a new routine process or structure within your training for a while I encourage you to seek it out try something new push yourself to do something your not sure you can, be a little scared because that’s where massive progress is made. Leave the ego of not wanting to fail at the door its not benefitting you. Realize that the struggle is the gift and you can’t really fail. You will either get your goal or learn a lot about what getting it really requires and be that much closer to achieving it next time.

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