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The Benefits of Group Training

In this article, we share our top 5 reasons of why Group Training is important and how you could benefit.
By Lexi Teague, Personal Trainer at Ivanhoe published March 15, 2023

Whether you're just starting out or have been exercising for years, you may find that Group Training is the missing link to your fitness regime. Here are our top 5 reasons of why Group Training is important and how you will benefit from joining:

  1. Confidence & Variety. Adding variety to your workout is one of the best ways to prevent plateaus. Group Training Sessions also help you hit your cardio goals and practice exercises under supervision from a trainer to boost your self esteem. Each of our group training sessions follow a specific program, that progress and change so you’ll never get bored, whilst achieving great results! 
  2. Accountability. We all know sometimes the hardest part about working out is getting to the gym. With the MyVision app you can book your spot in advance - encouraging you to stick to your routine and in turn help you on your way to your goals. 
  3. Community. It may sound cliché, but it’s true. Having an accountability buddy or buddies is actually really important and can be incredibly beneficial. By being part of our Vision community, you can find support and guidance from people who are on a similar health journey as you. Our group training sessions are intimate so you’ll be sure to see a familiar face each week.
  4. Motivation. If you’re feeling tired and don’t have the energy to push yourself, you’ll be able to feed off the energy in the room. We create our own playlists in house so our sessions are paired with upbeat music, other people who are ready to work hard and coaches who want to inspire you to be your best self!
  5. Endorphins. Exercise itself produces endorphins, another feel-good hormone that boosts your mood and reduces pain. Win Win!

You can read more about what Group Training Session we offer, by simply clicking here. Get in touch with us for more information on available Group Training Sessions at the Ivanhoe Studio here

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