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The Day My Legs Gave Way

One day Vision PT trainer Courtney's legs gave away in the studio. Read how this happened and how she overcame her injury.
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training
By Courtney Lornie at Hawthorn published September 22, 2016
last updated August 23, 2021

As my legs gave way and I collapsed to the ground, I instantly knew I had done something serious; never in my life had I experienced pain like this. I remember lying there and crying not knowing what to do.

I tore a ligament in my lower back in September 2015 and wasn't able to exercise for 3 months. In part 1, I will be explaining all the hard work and pain I went through, and in part 2,  I will be talking about all the many positives that has come from my injury. I hope that you realise that just because you have an injury, it doesn't need to be the end of everything you love and want to do. I came out stronger and more determined to be able to achieve what I have so far in 2016.

It was a Monday in late September and it was a normal day in the studio. I had a full day of PT, I trained and I ate well. It was my last client of the day and Julia and I were having a laugh while we were walking over to the cardio equipment. After 10 or so minutes I offered to go fill up Julia's drink bottle and who would decline such an offer? As I walked to the other side of the studio suddenly I felt my left leg give way and I collapsed on the ground. As I fell to the ground feeling like everything was moving in slow motion I knew straight away that something wasn't right. Not knowing what had just happened and crying in pain with my entire left side, from my hip down being numb I couldn't do anything except lay on the floor so scared and in so much pain. Julia ran over and luckily for me she is a doctor, straight away ruling out a disc injury. I don't know what I would have done if there weren't another two trainers in the studio who would later carry me to my car, I am forever grateful.  

For 12 weeks I went to a Sports Clinic and was being treated twice per week. I couldn't walk, bend down, stretch my clients and probably the most humiliating was I couldn't even shower myself. It took me 7 days before I could shower alone; the pain of standing up and trying to wash my own body. I couldn't even look at my partner while this was happening. I felt like a child and I was so embarrassed. I think for me, the worst part was being told that I couldn't exercise; being in my lower back it was too risky to try and do anything as I couldn't move. If you knew what I was like last year (I would do anything and everything; hardly listening to my body and continuously wanting to push harder, then to be told to stop) you would understand it was heartbreaking.

I would be lying if I said I never felt like giving up or not getting out of bed. I went through good days and I went through terrible days. Being surrounded by friends and clients who were all achieving their goals or completing events that I had planned to do, was messing with my mental health. I never spoke to anyone about my feelings because I thought that I was okay and that I was hiding how I felt, but it wasn't until I was better, people were coming up to me and saying how much I've changed.


Talk about how you feel.  If someone cares about you, no matter how silly you think your feelings are, they will listen.


I had only been with Vision Hawthorn for 6 months, I felt like I was letting my team down and most importantly my clients. Later I learnt that by me showing up every day and coming to events even though I was on the side line was the reason why my clients weren't giving up because I never had. I talk a lot about my negative experiences, but how can you really understand the positives if you don't accept the negatives.

Stay tuned for part 2 to learn about how I overcame my injury and how I am so much stronger and more determined today than I ever was.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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