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5 Spring Clean Body & Mind Tips

Where do you want to go? What’s the goal?
By Max Freeman, Owner at Bondi Junction published September 9, 2021

1. Where do you want to go? What’s the goal?

Summer is just around the corner and for some that means getting the swim suit ready and for others planning their next fitness goal! While overseas travel might not be an option, the coast of Sydney has plenty to offer and it’ll be time the make the most of the outdoors and getting active. A 9-12 week period is ideal for setting attainable goals close enough we need to action now, while also being long enough to benefit from the chronic effects exercise that you can see and feel.

2. Check The Traffic Lights

A simple but effective way to form some new habits is firstly checking where you’re at.

  • RED: Habits you’ve been doing that you want to stop! This can be annoying little habits, foods or even some of those toxic people. Clear the slate.
  • AMBER: Habits we want to keep or do more of. Those walks that are good for the heart and the head. The healthy breakfast or the coffee catch up with your buddy who always lifts your spirit. Keep it doing!
  • GREEN: Habits to add. Pick no more than 3 things you want to start doing. Even if you want to start with one it will help move the dial on where we want to go then we can build from there.

3. Listen to Mother Nature

Changing of seasons means changing of what’s going to give you the best bang for buck in the fresh produce of the grocery trip. In addition, its mother-nature’s way of aligning what our body needs from a micro-nutrient perspective and what is more available to fuel our bodies with. Fruits to choose in spring: Cherries, lemons, mandarins, nectarines, oranges, peaches, plums and strawberries. If you’re trying to watch the waistline we recommend going for the stones fruit and berries. Vegetables to go for: artichokes, Asian greens, broad beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini and mushrooms.

4. Lend a Hand

Share your goals with those closest to you! This may be one person or may be many. Simply sharing the goals with those around us will naturally keep us more accountable. Yes, it can be a little daunting but sometimes we need that extra nudge! If you want to go to the next level, ask your friend if they need with their health and fitness goals and agree to set some accountability measures for the habits you are trying to implement.

5. Drive Slow

While it’s great to have a deadline to get us moving, think about this as a journey and enjoy the process and sometimes slow is fast! If you’ve had a bit of time off ease back into things. Speak to a professional about how to go at the right pace and make this a sustainable change that fits into your lifestyle and see you through summer and starting next year at your best! Reports will show a leading cause of musculoskeletal injury is the incorrect application of progressive overload- i.e. people setting out with the best intentions but increasing training volumes at a level the body does not have the capacity to tolerate. As a general guideline for healthy populations, aim to build into 150minutes of low to moderate activity per week, 75minutes of vigorous activity per week and include 2 to 3 strength sessions.

We recommend a professional consultation to get the right diagnosis and prescription to your wants and needs. Follow these 5 and go for it this Spring! As always if you have any questions for our Personal Trainers or Exercise Physiologists would love to hear them!

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