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Easy Tips to Manage Your Nutrition

Nutrition can be quite confusing, so lets take a different approach, here are my tips to take control of your food and move away from strict diets.
By Scott Garlepp, Personal Trainer at Wollongong published February 3, 2021

Nutrition can be quite confusing, with so many approaches, claims and fads it's no wonder "dieting" is so stressful! So lets take a different approach, here are my tips to take control of your food and move away from strict diets.

  •  Start your day with a high-protein breakfast. If your first meal of the day is well balanced and contains a good amount of protein, you’re much more likely to maintain stable blood sugar levels and not overeat.
  • Prepare for your day with healthier snacks. Opt for high-protein snacks to keep you feeling fuller for longer rather than quick high carbohydrate foods that will satisfy you for only a very short period of time. An example would be protein bars/shakes, almonds, peanuts etc.
  • Include a large amount of real, whole foods rather than those that lack nutrients.
  • Have at least a serve of fruit or vegetable with as many meals as possible.
  • Have a plan before going out for dinner. Jump online and take a look through the menu that is online for where you are going and plan ahead. Track it into your food diary early in the day and work your way back with your macronutrients.
  • A few choices of food “off-plan” will make very little difference in the long run so long as you balance them out with healthy foods.
  • Track and monitor your progress in MyVision or follow a meal plan that is structured. It’s so important to find what method works for you as there’s no perfect way for everyone, hence why fad diets are fads and not lifestyles. 
  • Avoid having an all or nothing approach. 80/20 is a good ratio to work with. 80% good foods and 20% of the foods that you enjoy most to keep you on track! I hope this helps and happy eating!

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