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The lessons I learned from my 6 month old nephew for 2022.

This Christmas period I was blessed with the best gift of all in meeting the latest addition to the family, my nephew Freddie.
By Max Freeman, Director at Bondi Junction published February 11, 2022

At the age 6 months, I was lucky enough to learn a few lessons from him and set 3 new intentions to make this year a win!

  1. Make more time for family. I'm lucky to come from a pretty massive family with 3 brothers, a stack of cousins, uncles, aunties, cousins, in-laws, step parents etc. Sometimes (probably most of the time) I find it hard to switch my attention to what’s really important. Freddie wasn't afraid to scream and shout when he wanted the attention and it was a pretty unreal feeling to enjoy some high quality time with family again. Thanks Freddie.
  2. Keep Growing. Too much time focused in on one thing can get a little stale, and I remember the saying if you’re not growing you can sometimes find yourself moving backwards. No matter how much experience I get , how many books I read, podcasts I listen to, skills I master, mistakes I make there is always something new to learn about others, myself and the world. Freddie is still mastering his attention span, but was good at letting me know when to move on to the next toy, switch the scene or when it was time to learn something new. Thanks Freddie.
  3. Get in my rest and recovery. If I don’t sleep enough, there is only so much time and effort I can go before seeing performance drop off, get annoyed and get close to throwing the toys out of the pram. Freddie it seemed did a pretty good job with his nap and sleep frequency and to stay at his chirpy and happy state after a solid sleep. His Mum and Dad may have something else to say, but from me thanks for the reminder Freddie.

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