Client from Sylvania | Trainer: Chris Lee

Since having children, I had well and truly neglected my body. Spending time to get fit and healthy was in the 'too hard basket' for too long. Clothes were getting tighter, I was always too tired and I was extremely negative about so many things. The negativity became a reflection of my inner self and I was in a vicious cycle.
For years, I had tried gym memberships and diets. What seemed to work at first, with some weight loss apparent, wasn't enough to sustain my motivation. Each time I lost some weight, I'd feel good and then decide I could reward myself, by putting all the weight back on and more! I treated fitness and health were treated like a fad. When I needed it, I focused on it. I enjoyed the benefits, but I either became bored or didn't know how to progress and keep challenging myself. It was short-lived. The gym membership metaphorically gathered dust and I continually felt a false sense of confidence knowing I had a gym membership, but it was all a facade. I would then cancel the membership, feeling a deep sense of failure.
I chose Vision Personal Training because a friend had recommended it to me on numerous occasions over a number of years. But I was too cautious. The idea of committing myself to personal training sessions each week was a big deal and I wasn't sure if I was going to (1) enjoy it for fear of being yelled out 'boot camp' style and (2) be able to maintain the commitment. I was scared of the accountability. Little did I know that accountability was the very thing I needed to achieve my goals and actually persevere.
In the end, apart from the fear of picking up the phone, there was absolutely reason to be fearful at all. My trainer became the difference between maintaining my commitment to prioritise my health and not returning to old habits of signing up to never having the intention to attend. Enough was enough and I needed to try something different.
My Vision journey began with sessions all focused on me! There was genuine interest in my journey and where I wanted to go. Before training even began, education was an essential component of beginning my membership with Vision. Sessions involved helping me to develop an understanding of macros: protein, carbs and fat and food that was beneficial for weight loss. Goal sessions followed for short and long-term periods. I was blown away by Vision's attention to detail. It was a program tailored to my needs, which was incredibly empowering.
I set myself an initial goal to lose 5 kgs and to feel better about myself. I wanted to get below 70kg by the 6-month mark and I was hesitant if this was even possible. I attended my PT sessions and I tracked my food daily. I was hesitant to attend classes at first, however, my friend encouraged me to try one with her. Since then, I haven't looked back. Everyone was so helpful, we shared a laugh and I soon realised that classes were nothing to fear and instead, something that I never regretted waking up early for!
Most weeks I have seen progress. Weight loss hasn't been rapid, but gradual. Small wins have led to losing the most weight I have ever lost. It's a funny thing, if I turn up to my PT sessions, attend the classes I can and track my food - amazing things happen. And I haven't been yelled out, 'boot camp style' to get there!
To date, I have surpassed my goals and more: I hit below 70kgs within 3 months, completed 60 goblet squats with a 22kg weight and prone holding for 4:56mins. The greatest achievement has been losing 12kg in total. I am now the lightest I've been since before having children over 11 years ago. I get emotional just thinking about this, for it has been a goal of mine for so long - yet has always felt out of reach. To my relief and contrary to what used to happen, despite achieving these results and exceeding my expectations, I continue to train and turn up. It turns out that the positive energy that comes from showing up is worth more than ever going back to what once was.
I am so much stronger. I feel healthier in my mind - the gym offers the opportunity to focus on my needs. I am fitting clothes I've had sitting in my wardrobe for years - I have been wishing and hoping that I might just get there one day. That day has come. My confidence in my body is slowly returning and it feels great.
I absolutely love this studio - I feel 'seen' and part of this community. Trainers actually greet me by name when I enter the studio - I've never been at a gym that has had that personal touch. Small things like that play such an enormous role in maintaining attendance and continuing to see results.
Vision is the real deal - it's not just about losing weight, it's about educating and arming you with the knowledge so that losing weight is sustainable. Vision is the whole package: the studio challenges, the camaraderie in classes, the informative seminars and the shopping tours. Knowledge is power and Vision most certainly has empowered me in so many different ways.
Vision's framework gets results. I am kept accountable in my PT sessions and this has been pivotal for my ongoing commitment. I have an 'appointment' twice a week and I have someone to report to. Not someone who will shame me if I get it wrong or slip up, but someone who is on my team, encouraging me and is that rock I so desperately need to stay on track.
The best thing has been seeing my trainer, Chris, each week and being told what to do in the session and for the week ahead. No thought is required on my behalf. For someone who has two young children and works full time, my mental load is already exhausted. Together, we regularly discuss goals and readjust them when life gets in the way. Chris keeps track of my personal bests and continually encourages me to strive beyond them. His knowledge and encouragement have been pivotal components in my success. Chris is the constant and I know I can rely on him to help me through the ups and downs of life that undoubtedly arise from time to time. I am truly grateful for his guidance and belief in me.
If you're waiting for the right time and the motivation to start your fitness, it will only come if you take action. Whether you listen to your friend who tells you this is a great place (they genuinely mean it!) or whether you pick up the phone or send that email asking what is involved, you will gain motivation to get started. When you do something for you, it will not only benefit you, but your family as well. Do yourself a favour and take a chance, a chance that could be the best thing you ever did for yourself and your well-being.
I am so grateful to Nathan, Kate, Chris, Mitch and Jackson for the incredible sense of community they have created at Vision Sylvania. It is far more than a gym.
For me, getting fit and healthy is no longer a fad, it is a lifestyle. For that, I am so grateful.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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