Client from Wynyard

"Because of my genetics, I have been fat my entire life. I feel very disappointed in myself."
These were the words expressed by Allie Chang when she enquired about Vision Personal Training Hunter Street in December 2017. On the cusp of turning 30, Allie believed a change was needed. No longer would she blame genetics or believe it was something that she was not in control of, Allie decided to stop using blame, excuses and denial and instead opted to take ownership, accountability and responsibility of her own actions.
Fast forward five months, Allie has lost over 12kg, reduced her body fat percentage by 5% and improved her body girth measurements by 27cm. In addition to the aesthetic changes that have occurred, Allie has also seen a major improvement in her health and fitness by attending a minimum of four group sessions per week. Allie is running, jumping and boxing at a rate she has never done before, she is a true testament to the results Vision's Virtual Training System can offer to many clients, completing it on a daily basis, preparing her meals every week and achieving all her training minutes. As a result, Allie has achieved remarkable goals. Making a positive impact on her own lifestyle while also being an inspiration to her circle of influence, as her partner Brian has also started training with us at Vision Personal Training Hunter Street!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Wynyard Success Stories

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