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Anne Weekes

Improved fitness and Represented Australia in Race Walkin
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Engadine

Anne Weekes (after)


Anne has been an integral part of our community at Vision Personal Training Engadine since starting April 2015. Anne has gone leaps and bounds with her health and fitness achieving a weight loss of 25kgs.

Not only achieving an outstanding weight loss transformation, Anne has achieved a lot with her fitness completing various Fun Runs, running the Sydney Morning Herald and Gold Coast Half Marathon in 2016.

Anne has also gone onto Representing Australia at the 'World Masters Athletics Games 2016' in Race Walking competing in the 5/10/20km and team event. Placing 5th in the 5/10km events and also winning gold in the Australian team event.
Anne has embraced the Vision systems to create a long lasting change towards a stronger, healthier lifestyle

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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