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David Powell

10kgs down and stronger than ever!
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Prahran

Before David Powell (before)
After David Powell (after)

I came to Vision in March 2017 because every year for 5 years I wanted to continue to improve my health. I wanted to never have to say NO because I'm not fit enough! Today I am 10kg lighter and much stronger than I ever have been. One of the biggest challenges I faced was not being able to do pull ups, I am now able to do multiple pull ups when couldn't even do one. Another area I used to struggle on was chest, I started lifting the single digit dumbbells to now lifting the 25kgs. My upper body strength is as strong as it's ever been.

I love cooking and making my own pasta, this was another challenge for me to achieve my desired body shape. What I have is learnt is the timing to have my favourite foods to support my training, while learning a better balance throughout the week where I never feel deprived from the foods I love.

Nothing goes better with pasta than wine which I have the occasional glass of (or bottle), but thanks to the all the tools I can still have that glass and keep my body fat in the range I want for almost a year now.

My next goals are to do 3 sets of 10 pulls and shoulder press the 20kg dumbbells. I want to keep pushing myself to be as strong as possible and continue to look the best I can for my wife.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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