Client from Prahran

Tell me about your life before Vision?
Life before Vision was a particularly unhealthy one, to be totally honest.
I had spent 10 years at a senior level in a particularly stressful job and industry. Long hours had become the norm. Family time was compromised, as too was my health.
Elevated stress levels were a precursor to a very unhealthy diet consisting of regular "comfort" eating of fast food, sugar laden sweets and an abundance of takeaway meals. An exercise regime was non-existent. In the six-month period prior to joining Vision, with a burgeoning waistline, a collection of chins and ballooning weight, drowsiness throughout the day was becoming more prevalent.
Simple things like driving my car and staying awake at work had become immense challenges.
My family had become increasingly concerned at my propensity to fall asleep almost immediately upon returning home from work. Their concern for my wellbeing was usually "waved away" by yours truly and rebuked with a throw away comment such as "Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" or "Please stop nagging me".
Stopping off at KFC on the way home to sample their tantalising range of deep-fried delectables had become a way of life. And then there was the late night, three times a week, expeditions to the local supermarket to purchase the latest confectionary offerings from Connoisseur or those fiends Ben & Jerry.
My concerned children took it upon themselves to investigate various gyms and Personal Training Studios to rescue their father from the malaise that had engulfed him. Their research led them to Vision PT in Prahran, but alas a "Would love to help you, please give me a call" email from Luke Sullivan remained dormant in my Inbox for a number of weeks.
In order to redress a problem, I believe you have to first admit that there is a problem! In my mind, despite the fact that I'd expanded to gargantuan proportions and was forever lethargic and drowsy, I believed that I had matters well in hand. How deluded can a person be?
I needed to "bottom out" in order to wake up to myself and deal with my demons. "Bottoming out" involved falling asleep at the wheel of my car driving to work one morning, and ploughing into the back of the car in front of me. Thankfully there was little damage inflicted on either vehicle, but a bullet was dodged there. The result of this irresponsibility could have been dire and catastrophic.
Anyway, this was the trigger required. A phone call was made to Vision PT Prahran the following day…
What results have you achieved?
From the moment that I set foot in the Vision PT Prahran studio, I gave an undertaking to fully commit to the individually tailored nutrition and training program. In my late 50s, it was certainly a case of "now or never".
With extremely supportive and emotionally invested Personal Trainers who rejoice in your achievements and provide constant education, analysis, feedback and encouragement, I have even surpassed my original goals and expectations.
- 21.5kg shed since joining 18 weeks ago.
- The ability to increase my walking speed over my 9km circuit. (93 minutes down to 76 minutes).
- Participation in the Melbourne Marathon Festival completing 10km walk/jog in 85 minutes.
- Male Body Breakthrough Winner 2019
- Surviving my first Boxing Class
- Recording my best Blood Test results for 17 years - Cholesterol 4.0, Blood Sugars 5.2. Additionally, Blood Pressure of 120/65.
Also, I'm eating far more healthily - the macros are a very good guide which I endeavour to adhere to. Fried food, chips and ice cream have been replaced by lean meat, fruit & vegetables and Chobani "Fit" yoghurt
How has life changed for you?
I'm so much healthier now - no surprise given the weight loss!
I have boundless energy, and the constant tiredness has disappeared.
I embrace and look forward to exercise now, whereas I dreaded it pre-Vision PT.
I now prefer sculling a protein shake over a beer; savouring a salad over a souvlaki and chewing on a carrot rather than a Crunchie bar!
I can now fit into clothes that I've been unable to wear for years. Are turtlenecks and cargo pants back in fashion yet?
What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?
The genuine encouragement and support received from all of the trainers who are collectively willing you to succeed. It's so nice to be greeted by name and see a smiling face upon entry.
Also, the opportunity to participate externally to the studio in various events as a proud and enthusiastic member of Vision PT is somewhat special.
You are more than a number in the studio. To paraphrase Luke "It's a community". One that you are made to feel a special part of!
Additionally, the fact that Drew appreciates most of my offbeat and self-deprecating humour makes our PT sessions even more enjoyable - at least for me!
What are some defining moments during your journey?
I started the journey under sufferance, knowing that I had to do this in order to give myself every chance to hopefully be predominantly in good health for the remainder of my life.
Along the way I've enjoyed and embraced the experience. I have been challenged by my trainers and am now challenging myself to continually improve my fitness and my nutrition.
Last week as I successfully negotiated a boxing class without thinking that the end was nigh, I realised that I had attained a level of fitness that a mere 16 weeks ago would have thought was impossible.
Losing the first 10kg was a proud moment. Clocking up 20kg lost was positively exhilarating.
It's the future that excites me most! I may actually be able to run for the first time in 15 or so years.
The journey has been so worthwhile and positive to date and I have achieved goals that I thought were well beyond me. I have a mindset now that is without limitations nor constraints. Where will this journey ultimately lead me and what will I be able to achieve both in ultimate body shape and athletic achievements? BRING IT ON!
What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and thinking about making a change?
Allow me to appropriate one of the greatest sporting slogans of the 20th century to answer this question.
Get yourself down to the nearest Vision PT Studio and you won't be disappointed. Goals will be met; results will flow!
What are you most looking forward to achieving in the next 12 months?
Continue the weight loss and wellness journey. I believe that I have merely scratched the surface here.
There are many more kilos to lose and a higher fitness level to attain.
I'm aiming to be in a position where I can jog/run the Melbourne Half Marathon next year which will require me to undertake a more rigorous and intensive fitness regimen!
Also, I'd love to rediscover my abdominal muscles!
I liken them to the uncertain early assessment made regarding those young Thai soccer players who made world news last year.
- They are down there - trapped deep beneath the surface!
- We know where they are located!
- However, at this stage, we are unsure as to whether they will be able to be rescued.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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