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Deanne Lees

Drops 4 dress sizes and now loves trying on new clothes and looking good in them
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Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Castle Hill

Before Deanne Lees (before)
After Deanne Lees (after)

I have been a yo-yo dieter for the last 10 years or more. You name it and I've probably tried it. I would lose some weight and congratulate myself by putting away the scales. By the time I dragged the scales back out again I had regained the weight plus more. With the help of my Vision trainer, I lost 10 kilos in the first 9 weeks and I then 20 kilos by Week 21. I haven't ever felt that this journey was just mine alone, it is more like a partnership between my trainer and me. I love having the Vision phone app on my phone. It has kept me on track at all times of the day & night. I can always see how I am going with my macronutrients and can plan ahead. I have now dropped 4 dress sizes! My body is now looking fitter and more toned. I can now go into shops and look at clothes without cringing, knowing that most items should look ok on me now.

One of things I am proud of is that I am now wearing size 12 jeans. It has been more than 20 years since I have been able to do that and it feels fantastic!I am no longer avoiding having my photo taken. Before I was always the one taking photos, as I couldn't stand being in them and now I'll happy to join in.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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