Client from Stanmore
Often only when we hit 'rock bottom', we are ready to start climbing back to the top... When I first 'climbed' the stairs leading to the Vision Stanmore studio, I was not only unfit and overweight, I was also feeling exhausted and dejected. As a 40-something year old mum of two little girls (2 and 4 years old at that time), like many others, I was struggling to balance 'full-time motherhood' with a demanding full-time job. I was feeling guilty about not doing a "good enough" job at home and at work, feeling sorry for myself, lacking confidence and not having the motivation to change… My one reward at the end of each day was to turn to the vicious cycle of emotional eating, drinking whilst watching TV, for some well-deserved 'me' time.
Climbing up those stairs, I had no idea how I was going to fit any exercise into my busy life - but intuitively I knew I had to do something and that I needed help to do it. Having encouragement and support of my partner was a big help and starting point - but I also needed someone to be accountable to. Vision Personal Training Stanmore and my Trainer Norman has been a perfect match for me. It was a safe, welcoming and non-judgmental place where each training session left me positively re-energised. The focus was always completely on 'me' in a holistic sense - my exercise, my nutrition as well as my mindset. Norm's patience and persistence in teaching me about the importance of macros (carbs/protein/fat) and completing my food diary was just what I needed. But most importantly, every PT and group session was tough but fun … and I suddenly found a better kind of 'me' time, and I started to see results. At the end of the first 9-week program, I had lost 8 kg, and re-gained self-confidence, good posture and fitness, and I swapped my old self-sabotaging habits for a 'can-do' attitude to life. I'm proud of my new body and lifestyle, but most importantly I'm proud to be a good role model for my girls. Vision's philosophy makes sense - long-term results are not only about physical but also mental fitness and knowledge! I came to Vision with a broken body & spirit and have gained a fit body & mind, as well as many great friends. I'm looking forward to setting and achieving many new goals for a long time to come.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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