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Jennie Wilson

I can have my cake and eat it too!
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Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Prahran | Trainer: Lewis Teale


Tell me about your life before Vision?

I had always exercised, but had a weird love/hate relationship with it, more so for food. I would always have a binge/restrict cycle with food which made me miserable.

What results have you achieved?

Since I’ve been at Vision, I’ve learnt the art of balance but not only that I’ve progressed so far with my running - doing 2 half marathons, 10ks and Luke’s run club!

What is your favorite thing about training at Vision?

Pushing me really hard to make me a stronger person mentally and physically.

What are some defining moments during your journey?

Realizing that I can have cake and eat it too, my whole relationship to food has completely changed.

What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and thinking about making a change?

The biggest thing I’ve learnt is around food guilt - and learning to have a better understanding of macros, nutrition and knowing I can have that piece of cake! Also tracking food does make you realize the value of good nutrition.

How has life changed for you?

I actually enjoy exercise and I love the feeling of completing a workout. I feel stronger than ever and I’m not worrying and stressing about the number on the scales. I’m loving being able to balance!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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