Client from Brighton

Tell me about your life before Vision?
I have always been little and even though I was small I was unhappy with my body and self conscious about the way that I looked. I was forever getting comments about being 'too skinny' but was forever unable to change my body shape for the better. My nutrition was crappy and I never ate correctly, I would skip breakfast, eat whatever i wanted and go for long periods without eating. I was underweight and had a lot of issues with my strength and health due to this. External factors like work and my relationship left me highly stressed and this compounded the negative effects on my body.
I started considering training when I was in my early 20's but I never felt confident enough. When I did go, I would hide in the women's section and after about a month I would give up and quit. I think I quit about 4 gyms as I never saw the results from any of the programs I tried and never had any consistency with what I was doing. I always believed that cardio was the way to transform my body and as many of my friends were bigger I would copy them and just do heaps if that. I never knew much about weight training or how that could benefit me.
I was referred to Vision by a client of mine who was absolutely loving her experience and since then I haven't looked back!
What Results have you achieved?
First things first, I have lasted more than a month! I have actually been at Vision for over 2 years now which is a massive achievement for me. I have Increased my lean muscle mass by over 2kgs. My body fat has also dropped by 13% which is amazing, even though I was skinny before I still had a high body fat %, not anymore! Most importantly I have established consistency in my training and eating, I now have a healthy routine of eating 5 meals per day and combine weight training and cardio every week.
How has life changed for you?
First of all, physically my body has changed in such a positive way, I'm so much more confident in myself. I used to put myself down and feel self conscious, now I feel strong and unstoppable.
My whole lifestyle and outlook has changed, I prioritise myself and my health first. I was always a yes person, looking after everyone else and their needs before my own which was a big detriment to my health. My Work, relationship and family life have all improved out of sight and it all started with me beginning to look after myself.
Finally, my relationship with food is so much healthier than it was, I understand how food can fuel my body and why I need to eat certain foods. Any health issues I was previously having have been solved by eating the correct foods, who knew about good fats? I do now. I have learnt discipline and that food is not my enemy!
What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?
The environment: first impressions are important for me, and the one I had at Vision I will never forget. I was super nervous about walking up the stairs for the first time and I was doubting whether I should even go in. When I finally mustered up the courage and walked up the stairs I was instantly greeted by a number of Trainers and the place just oozed fun! Everyone is so welcoming and always knows your name, I love the vibe and interest in each other, it's a real community and made me feel so comfortable.
Secondly would be my Trainer Dan and his commitment to me, I have never had a Trainer put the time into me like this. He has helped me through not only my physical transformation but also my mental one as well. The education i have learnt especially around nutrition has been amazing and definitely the biggest factor in helping me achieve such great results.
What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and is thinking about making a change?
Believe that you can change you and it doesn't just happen overnight. Consistency and dedication will create a body that you desire. Don't be scared of change because it can change your life for the better. Get into Vision and book a consultation, it changed my life and will for you too!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Brighton Success Stories

Katelyn Swallow

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