Client from Camberwell

I joined Vision Personal Training Camberwell in September 2017 with the main goal of running a marathon. I knew Vision and how it worked, I had previously done weight loss with another Studio and it worked for me. 2017 hadn't been a good year for me, I lost my cousin and then unexpectedly my beloved Dad, it broke me. I was emotionally eating and didn't care… Something had to change. I had met Leigh-Ann before, so I decided to give Vision Camberwell a try. I had no intention of doing group classes, making friends or becoming part of a community, I was there to do my training sessions and sometimes Run Club and that was it! Of course, this changed and I'm so thankful for the community that I'm now a part of. I can't imagine not having them in my life.
I had been trying unsuccessfully throughout 2017 to train and run my first marathon but injury after injury and then overtraining had prevented it. I missed my running, it was and is my happy place, a time to clear my head and concentrate on me, I felt lost without it. My goal felt so far out of reach, but I was determined not to give up. Leigh-Ann became my trainer, I felt lucky to have her by my side and immediately a goal was set. I decided the Gold Coast marathon in July was it. A training plan was made, and my weights and cardio sessions were built around it. Leigh-Ann kept me accountable, encouraged me and pushed me when needed, but was gentle if called for. She always knew what to do to get the best out of me. I think she had more belief in me then I did! My mind set started to change and improve, I began eating well to nourish my body again, it wasn't always easy, I wasn't always motivated, the runs weren't always good, but I knew I needed to follow the plan & trust the training.
Leigh-Ann, Phil, the team and community is very special. I've made so many lifelong friends, they are my Camberwell family. They inspire, motivate and are always so supportive, they are such a special group and I look forward to walking up the stairs to the Studio, it's such a welcoming environment. The Gold Coast marathon race day came around so fast. The nerves set in, and I thought… what am I doing trying to run a full marathon amongst all these 'real' runners! A few texts from Leigh-Ann and a video message from my new Camberwell family managed to calm me. I had no expectations for the run except to cross the finish line, and I managed to run consistently and feel great throughout the race. At the 40km mark it hit me… After 18months of trying I was about to accomplish my long-term goal! My first ever full marathon! What a feeling! I will never forget crossing the finish line, in a time that was beyond my expectations. It was my perfect run and will always be special to me.
2018 was an amazing year of events. I participated in 19 events over the year, ranging from 5km through to two marathons and the Urban Spartan thrown in for fun, all with the Vision Camberwell team and all so much fun. I would encourage anyone to take part in these events, they add so much to the whole Vision experience. 2018 renewed my love of running and helped me find me again. I have so many highlights of the year but two special ones that mean a lot are my Gold Coast Marathon and finishing the year with the surprise of being awarded the Camberwell Trainers 'Client of The Year". It topped off an awesome year.
I'm so thankful to have Leigh-Ann as my trainer, she continually inspires and motivates me and I will always be grateful to have her on my side, she makes me feel like anything is possible. My love of health and fitness has grown, and I am studying to become a Personal Trainer this year with a dream to start a career within the Vision network, and hopefully give back some of what has been given to me. Who knows, maybe I will run a marathon with a client in the future!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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