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Kevin Brown

Ran 2 Sydney Marathons
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Pyrmont

Before Kevin Brown (before)
After Kevin Brown (after)

The great thing about Vision Personal Training is the ongoing goal setting - it makes it so much easier to obtain results when you are setting yourself new targets weekly, monthly and annually.  That's how I ended up running my marathon after constantly being encouraged to set new running goals it seemed just a natural progression. 

The support from the entire Vision Pyrmont team was excellent.  Running a marathon is certainly no easy task and it takes a lot of preparation, planning and training - something that the team helped guide me through so when it came to race day I was prepared as I ever could be.  Without that I don't think I could have achieved my goal. 

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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