Client from Camberwell | Trainer: Kyle Sewell

After my 3rd pregnancy, I was the heaviest I had ever been. At over 100 kilos, I was so overwhelmed I did not know where to start, all I knew is that I had to do something to look after my health. Ultimately, I couldn't keep up with the needs of my kids and be the parent and partner I wanted to be. In the past I had attempted weight loss many times with extreme unsustainable measures.
I think the real difference has been that Vision is for regular "non-fitness" people like me who need the holistic approach to support a genuine long term lifestyle change, it's more than "just" a gym workout.
Throughout all of life's chaos, the setbacks of lockdowns, a global pandemic, 3 young babies, sleep deprivation causing two falls down stairs and an injured knee, sick kids plus returning to full time work in a post-Covid world, I would never have believed it if someone told me could survive all that and lose over 25 kilos.
This program has surprised me. Yes, it is about weight loss, but the focus is on a healthier lifestyle in whatever way that might mean to you, however you may define success at the time. It became the anchor in my life, a constant source of calm, support and inner strength that helped me shape my mindset to navigate one of the most difficult years of my life and come out the other side stronger than ever.
It is well worth the investment in transforming your own and your family's approach to health now, rather than having to pay for it later in health-related problems.
Thank you to Kyle and all the Vision team for showing me the way to be the person I've always wanted to be, even when at times I didn't believe it was possible.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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