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Leanne McFarlane

10 kg Milestone

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Client from Baulkham Hills | Trainer: Max Sudiro

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“I came to Vision like a mouse & turned into a lion.”

My journey with Vision has revealed my true strength and resilience. A year ago, I could never have imagined participating in a 10km running event. The fact that I am now able to do so fills me with immense pride. The unwavering support and encouragement from my trainer and all the fabulous trainers have been instrumental in my transformation. Their belief in me has been a powerful force, helping me recognise and embrace my strength.

The journey has required a lot of hard work, but it has also been incredibly enjoyable. Along the way, I have made some wonderful friends who have become an important part of my experience. I cherish my time at Vision and am grateful for the positive changes it has brought into my life.

I love my time at Vision.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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