Client from Blackburn

OMG! I can hardly believe the changes in my diet, exercise, body and most importantly 'Mind Set'.
I started training with Kimberley Hinschen in January, 2017 weighing a smidge under 75kilos.
Short story is that we trained, I lost 10 kilos, but I refused to enter food into the food diary, as I didn't want Kimberley to know how and what I was really eating.
I was basically overeating (and comfort eating) on the weekends like mad and making up for it during the week by having meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch and basically starving myself.
By the weekend I was feeling so deprived, I couldn't wait to get into the food again.
I also didn't have any protein shakes at all during my training in 2017.
The result was that although I lost weight, I wasn't remotely toned, my body didn't look good and I didn't 'feel' great on the inside at all.
So, I left Vision around October or November, 2017.
I continued with my bad eating habits, didn't do any exercise and put most of the weight back on.
By early March, 2018 I couldn't stand it any longer.
I went back to Kimberley and started training again and 'tried' to eat better.
By early May, even though I had lost a bit of weight and felt better, I knew I had to completely surrender myself to Kimberley's food plan (and way of doing this) if I 'really' wanted results.... so, I did.
We started a new split weights program and I started eating properly and entering my food, etc, into the online diary every day.
I also started doing 3 cardio sessions per week on my own at Vision.
And OMG! I just can't believe the results.
I would never have thought that I could eat so much yummy food, feel so awesome on the inside, develop muscle, tone up and lose so much weight all at the same time.
I had a BIOSCAN again yesterday (10 July - 2 months after committing to doing the food plan) and OMG! I am down to 61.6kilos and have taken 6 years off my age.
My body feels and looks better than it has for 'forever'!
I am absolutely amazed and thrilled to bits...truly! I just can't get over it, it's incredible.
I no longer feel deprived of food, I am thoroughly enjoying my meals and I feel absolutely fantastic within myself and about myself.
Thank you so much Kimberley, I am so excited to keep going and tone up as much as this 64-year-old body can.
I couldn't possibly recommend Vision, Kimberley and the food and exercise program more to anyone.
If I can get these amazing results at my age, anyone can.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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