Client from Camberwell

I have been trying to lose weight for as long as I can remember!
Over the last 5 years I think I must have tried a myriad of methods. I tried low carb, I cut out junk food, I tried the 5-2 diet, I tried the DASH diet, and countless other methods. I tried cutting out meals in the belief that less food would result in less weight, right? Wrong! I had read countless articles on nutrition and felt I had an understanding of what foods I should eat. All my results were small, and the weight crept back up every time I lost focus. I realized I needed help …
At the beginning of this year, my good friend Sue introduced me to Vision Personal Training Camberwell. She had been there a month and was transforming right before my eyes, so I figured I would check it out. I made an appointment with Leigh-Ann and before I knew it I was caught up in Leigh's positivity and belief that I could achieve a goal that I never felt was possible. I asked her honestly "Do you REALLY feel that I can achieve this goal?" to which she responded "ABSOLUTELY". So, I signed up there and then and my journey started.
At first, I could not believe that I could eat this much and lose weight. I loved the fact that I could make my diet consist of all the foods I love. I don't eat seafood, and this has always been a challenge for me when trying to lose weight. As a pharmacist, the scientific approach in which the Vision program calculates your "macros" for the day impressed me and the recording of food and reaching targets for the day became a fun game for me. It made me mindful and determined.
The weight started to shift and my whole shape started to transform. Slowly I became an inspiration to friends around me and they joined too. Vision always talks about your "Circle of Influence" so it seems I was creating my own. Win, Win for everyone!
What I love about Vision Camberwell is the friendliness and encouragement that you feel every time you walk in the door. Not just from all the Trainers but from all the clients as well. Everyone's success is your success and you always leave feeling happy and invigorated.
I have NEVER had such a great relationship with food as I have today. I can eat without always second-guessing myself and feeling guilty that I made the wrong choice. I understand more about nutrition and exercise now through the monthly seminars and shopping tours, and know that I can remain fit, healthy and fabulous for the rest of my life.
Thanks Leigh-Ann, Phil and the whole team for believing in me and making me believe in myself.
My only regret?..........I didn't do this 10 years ago!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Camberwell Success Stories

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