Client from Prahran | Trainer: Makram Amin

Tell me about your life before Vision?
Sitting at home during the multiple COVID lockdowns of 2020 gave me the excuse I didn’t need to gain a lot of weight. I was fat and miserable and I’m pretty sure my UberEATS driver was about to propose - we were seeing each other every day. I was depressed, angry, unhappy - you name it, if it was a negative emotion I felt it last year! I’d lost 20Kgs a couple of years prior and managed to gradually regain it all.
What results have you achieved?
I’m losing weight, my nutrition has improved significantly, I’ve gained friends, I’m 1,000 times happier than before, I’m motivated (mostly; the early alarm can still be a bit killer!), and I’m enjoying my life (it’s not all roses by a long shot, but I’m loving it!)
How has life changed for you?
Everything - everything - has changed. I feel proud of myself for putting me first and giving as much as I can. I am happy with my stronger, fitter body which I now enjoy taking care of (long overdue - she’s put up with some pretty ordinary treatment from me in the past!) I’m excited about the future again. And putting my health first has encouraged me to put myself first in other areas, like relationships and work. For the first time in a very long time I feel happy down to my bones, and that’s not only because of coming to Vision but it has been a huge part of it!
What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?
I feel like I’m hanging out with friends and having fun while working out, which for me makes all the difference. Anyone can move their body in certain ways for a certain number of reps but if you’re happy and enjoying yourself you have so much more to give, and you get so much more out of it. I often find myself smiling on my walk home (in between the groans), because I enjoy my Vision fit fam so much! Training is hard - life is hard - and surrounding yourself with good people you can laugh with and feel supported by is the best choice you can make. The trainers and the other clients at Vision are fantastic people and I feel incredibly lucky to have found myself there.
What are some defining moments during your journey?
First weigh in was devastating - I cried for a long time when I got home and going to the gym the day after was hard. Since then it’s been good news though - losing nice little chunks of weight, seeing my fledgling muscles reemerge on my chicken wings. Hitting PBs and getting to ring the Foghorn Leghorn bell. Pushing myself to set new goals and then realising I can achieve them.
What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and thinking about making a change?
You just have to start. Right now, wherever you are, with whatever you have. You don’t have to change everything all at once, or hit every goal straight away; there are going to be curve balls, and down days, and days when healthy eating goes out of the window. Start small, however you can - even if that means one session a week - it is baby steps. Be gentle on yourself when you have a rough day, or don’t reach your goal; dust yourself off and keep going. Perfection isn’t the aim - constant forward motion is, big steps, small steps, whatever you've got in the tank. Putting yourself first is worth more than anything - it’s incredible how looking after your physical health positively impacts EVERYTHING else.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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