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Natalie Sommer

8kg weight loss and completion of True Grit.
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Client from Wynyard | Trainer: Vanessa McGurk


Meet Nat, our resident Karate coach and black belt. She joined Vision Personal Training Hunter Street late 2021 as one of our virtual online clients with the ambition to lose weight, increase strength and improve endurance in order to improve her performance in Karate and eventually competing at the Japanese Masters.

Nat's journey has been very dedicated, completely embracing the Vision process, tools and advice from her Coach, losing an amazing lost 8kg so far! Nat prolifically uses the MyVision App to track her nutrition and exercise, has reduced her snacking significantly, gives 100% in her online PT sessions, all while being committed to her martial arts training. In addition, she has also successfully completed her first obstacle course event, True Grit. Slogging out 10km and conquering over 30 obstacles! Amazing!

Nat is truly an inspiration and her success is a perfect example that you don’t need to train in a gym to get awesome results! You can train anywhere! With a strong focus on monitoring your nutrition and always seeking to improve your lifestyle behaviours and habits, your health and fitness goals can be achieved! Well done Natalie!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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