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Petra Kremer

18.9kg Weight Loss in Six months
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Mosman

Petra Kremer (after)

Step 1: I honestly need to do something now… a couple of glasses of water are not going to help me anymore…

Step 2: Find out where I can achieve the best results in quite a short time… I am not a very patient person. Vision is the right place to go!

Step 3: Walking into the Vision doors to sign me up and set a goal. No more escapes… and no way back!

Step 4: November 1, meeting my personal trainer… Brad! What a relief, he knows exactly how to motivate me to get the stuff done I really need to do… which is good because we see each other 3 times a week.

Step 5: Work out the diet… 70% food, 30% exercise… yep, Shopping tour was what I needed.

Step 6: Start to lose the first weight. Hey… this is really working! Furthermore, learning all the language. Bicep curls, squats, plank… what are we talking about?

I felt encouraged and supported and not only from my Personal Trainer Brad, but actually from everyone who is in the gym. All successes (little or big) are celebrated!

The last 6 months I have learned to love living healthier… My biggest achievement is the body fat%... from 47.8% to 36.4%. Today I lost nearly 20 kg… on my way to the big goal of losing 25! I have achieved what I thought was impossible!

THANKS BRAD! And everyone at Vision Mosman.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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