Client from Surry Hills

I initially joined Vision Personal Training when my good friend and Vision Trainer, threw out a hand of support. I was going through a rough patch emotionally and she thought the discipline of training might provide me with some focus and purpose. She proved to be absolutely right!
I love the sense of community at the Vision Surry Hills studio. It's a very open and supportive environment.
I was very fortunate to already have a friendship with my Trainer but it has certainly been strengthened since we started training together. I've got great relationships with the other trainers too; even though I don't work directly with them. They are always happy to chat and offer advice. It's been great getting to know some of the other members too ... along with those that I've introduced to the Studio!
Nutrition is the real driver of results. Weights help with definition and shape, but size is ALL about nutrition. It wasn't until I started using my food diary that I saw significant results. Appreciating the macro-nutritional value of food allows you to control your diet in a way that means you don't have to miss out on the things you love to eat.
Ultimately, I just want to be fit and healthy for general "awesomeness". But along the way I've had goals that have focussed on completing running events, losing body fat and now building some muscle.
I've stumbled a bit along the way and found myself drinking a little too much on occasions; but knowing how freakin' fabulous I'll feel after a good weights session or run club has made those a whole lot less regular!
I have lost 12kg in the past 15 months. I've also completed 2 half marathons. Oh, and I'm now totally ripped (but not yet modest)!!
I've come to NEED my training. It's my stress release from work; my meditation; my recreation. I prioritise it over just about everything else - it's my "Sam time".
I just want to keep being "awesome". What I mean by that is "being the best version of myself that I can be". There is a lot of self satisfaction in feeling like you're functioning at your absolute peak. And it's great fun hanging out with people who feel the same.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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