Client from Prahran

Tell me about your life before Vision?
Before Vision I was the sort of person who would attempt a fitness program only to give up a couple of weeks later, this would be due to a general lack of interest in exercise. Combined with a frustration and lack of results from not pushing myself.
What results have you achieved?
Over the last nine weeks I have seen a fantastic improvement in my mental health and wellbeing. Having achieved overall improvements with my body in terms of muscle mass/ tone and a decreased body fat percentage. All this combined relates to a complete refresh on my outlook and commitment to a program and structure that delivers results that are truly attitude changing.
How has life changed for you?
My stress has gone away, the tension I used to carry in my shoulders has subsided and with that an improved body posture as well. The structure of having a goal to chase has made it easier to seek clarity in many different ways from my work life to my personal life. An overall positive shift in the way I live.
What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?
The people (both clients and staff) friendly and supportive all the way through you truly are in an environment where feel you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
What are some defining moments during your journey?
Cutting out alcohol from my lifestyle, is not only a great way to save a few dollars from your bank account, but it enables you to reach higher levels of energy sooner, whether it be for a work assignment or a training session you feel you can switch on and hit the ground running both mentally and physically.
What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and thinking about making a change?
The fear of failure will never leave you in life, learn to use it to push yourself to the next level and just get the job done.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Prahran Success Stories

Keith Pawah

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