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Cause and effect

We know how important it can be to educate yourself surrounding all things health and fitness. Read this article by Vision PT to find out more.
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training

By Kyle Sewell at Surry Hills


In a world of so much uncertainty and with so many conflicting view points and beliefs, there is one thing that still rings true; fitness is the ultimate equaliser.

It is as true now as it was in the time of Milo of Croton and (long before) the Greeks of old.

Your fitness, the achievement of your goals and ultimately success in life will happen regardless of your sex, age, race, social upbringing, colour of your skin, genetics, political views, religion, sexual orientation, how much money you earn or have in the bank or any other factor one can think of.  At the end of it all we are all human and the only thing that matters is how much effort and how we applied ourselves in life and to achieving our goals.  Again, how we apply ourselves to our goals will directly impact the end result.

The gym and your training environment is the perfect example of this.  When we look within and look to compete against no one but ourselves, when it comes to health and fitness, we are all on an even playing field.

When we take this on board, class differences are erased, your personal income or net worth is irrelevant, race and sex overlooked and you as an individual are assessed on what you are prepared to do in achieving your own health & fitness goal.

In training, the only difference between an elite athlete and a couch potato is the amount of effort one is prepared to put in, what opportunity one is prepared to make for themselves, and what they tell themselves and what they are prepared to do when it comes to their goals. Yes, this could be argued and there is a great deal of difference between the two examples, but it leads to the point that if everyone would stop arguing and stop focusing on the external to instead look within, then the chances of success would be much greater.

The communal and community environment of your local Vision Studio, with the support of a dedicated Trainer and other members who are on their own path, is again testament to this.

Your Trainer does not care about who you voted for in the last election, they do not care about your sexual orientation or religious views.  The main focus of your Trainer is to keep you accountable to your health & fitness goals, whatever they may be.

Again, regardless of sex, age, race, social upbringing, ethnicity, political views, religion, sexual orientation, how much money you earn or have in the bank or brand of workout clothing, health and fitness is capable of surpassing all such boundaries.  It encourages overall wellness, improved self-esteem and confidence which will channel into all aspects of your life, and can and often does lead to life changing transformations.

The ability to succeed is not based upon an external force, it is based upon the human ability to change with effort, to go the distance and to endure; a growth mindset to persevere and to achieve.

Be human, be better.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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