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Importance Of Finding Balance Between Exercise, Work & Social Lives

Everyone is living their life at different paces and with different circumstances.
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By Lily Hodge, Personal Trainer at Baulkham Hills published April 13, 2022

Everyone is living their life at different paces and with different circumstances, that's why here at Vision we like to ensure we can help you set and allocate enough time to your everyday activities whilst also being able to focus on your fitness and health at the same time. You may be a person who loves to keep busy or someone who takes it slow and goes with the flow. Either way we will work towards discovering the best way for you to find your balance.

An effective way to achieve balance in your life is by making a time audit. This is extremely effective as most people have more than enough time to incorporate exercise, but simply use ‘no time’ as an excuse to not do it. For example as seen on page 27 of ‘Ready, Set, Go’ book : Jane’s time audit total hours in the week = 168hrs less hour sleeping (av.7hrs/night) = 49hrs less hours at work (av. 10/day x 5 days) = 50hrs less travel to & from work (inc. getting ready) = 15hrs less cleaning & house chores = 6hours less cooking = 7hrs less time spent helping kids = 12hr TIME REMAINING = 31hrs. This indicates to Jane that she has 31hours remaining in her week where she can incorporate exercise and social time with family/friends whilst completing her daily activities.

At Vision, when setting both your long term and short term goals we aim to ensure they are achievable for yourself, like when determining how many cardio minutes both low/moderate and hard. This is to ensure the best possible result for you, as you know are able to work towards a goal that is ideal for you and your circumstances whilst fitting in your work and social aspects.

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