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Vision Personal Training Shellharbour

At Vision Personal Training Shellharbour, everything we do is about transforming your health for the better. Our Studios are small and friendly and our Personal Trainers are ready to coach and support you every step of the way. Experience the Vision Difference with us today.

Real results, no fads! Join Australia’s top Fat Loss Experts. Book your free consultation!

Home Page Trainers with Client Smiling
Home Page Trainers with Client Smiling

6/6 Memorial Drive

Opening hours

Mon - Thurs 5:30am - 7:00pm

Friday 5:30am - 3:00pm

Saturday 6:00am – 12noon

Sunday Closed

Parking info

-34.563888, 150.8349969

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Meet our Shellharbour team

Meet our Studio Owners, Managers and Personal Trainers who are passionate and absolutely ready to guide you along your new health and fitness journey!

Rachel Macedo, Kaillum Key

Andrew Stark - Trainer
Brock Bool - Trainer
Charlize MacEdo - Trainer

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About the owners

Rachel Macedo, Kaillum Key

My name is Rachel Macedo, I am a mother of 3, wife and owner of 2 businesses. Before joining Vision Personal Training back in 2013 as a Client, I always thought I was a healthy eater who trained regularly 3 times a week. Oh boy! Was I wrong. So then began my journey at Vision Personal Training.

Going on my own weight loss journey along side my Trainer Kaillum, I learnt so many new habits, not only physically but mentally. These results really are Guaranteed and made such a positive impact on my busy life.

Seeing my own results and how much it had changed my lifestyle, I made the big step to enquire about Studio ownership, I didn’t want to just buy into the business I wanted to know every part of it from top to bottom.

I took the risk and went back to study and enrolled at the Australian Institute of Personal Training. 5 months later I was still hungry for more so I applied for a Personal Trainer position at the Wollongong Studio. I was put on the Vision Experience Program and then the Rookie Program and I just kept growing.

I now have extensive experience in training for all types of running and weight lifting. The highlight would have to be taking my Clients to New York and running with them through Time Square, and of course not I couldn't forget running a marathon in Uluru, who would have thought this was all possible!

The support I got from everyone at the Studio was amazing and backed by my amazing family and supportive husband Carlos. Without even realising it I had climbed the Vision Career Path and became the Studio Manager working alongside Kaillum.

Studio Ownership is finally here and I will build the same energic community and culture in our Shellharbour Studio, sharing and using my own Vision experiences to give all clients achievable and sustainable results.
