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Matt Gedye 2019 Stretch Goal

Read about how the Vision Hawthorn trainer Matt Gedye set "Stretch Goals". Goals that managed to push them physically and mentally.
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training
By Matt Gedye at Hawthorn published May 10, 2019
last updated August 23, 2021


In 2019, our Hawthorn team all decided that we would aim to complete a physical goal that was way beyond our capabilities from that current point in time. The goal had to be something that both scared and excited us at the same time. A goal that was pushing us physically and mentally. We have called this our "Stretch Goal"

1. What is your Stretch Goal and why have you chosen this?
I've chosen to tackle Ironman again in Busselton during December. I've chosen it for 2 reasons:
1) I didn't train properly for Ironman last time and had a really tough day-out as a result. Considering I still managed to finish, I'm excited to see how much fitter I can actually get by training properly and getting the assistance and support from Alex as my coach
2) The second reason, is that Ironman is a monster of a time commitment. I've been saying for years that I don't want to be someone who just works and trains. My relationships with my friends and family mean everything to me, and I want to successfully prove to myself that I can balance a high training workload with my PT lifestyle and still make time for the important people in my life. This is more of what makes doing Ironman a stretch for me. Not so much completing it, but completing all my training and not feel like I'm giving up my social circles.

2. What are you going to ensure happens to achieve this goal and what does your training look like?
Be proactive first and foremost. When the work/life balance argument comes into place its most often a result of people 'reacting' to the situation they've found themselves in. By being 'proactive' and putting plans in place and effective scheduling, I expect to effectively manage the training volume alongside my PT workload and social life.
Training will consist of mostly swimming and cycling as running is my strength and won't require as much attention as the other two. Having said that, I'm almost exclusively running at the moment in the lead up to the Gold Coast Marathon

3. What scares you the most about your goal?
Two things. Fatigue and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

4. What are you most excited for?
Being the fittest and most mentally strong I've ever been in my life

5. What difference is this going to make to you after you have achieved this goal?
Work/Life balance is something that gets thrown around a lot in just about every industry. If I can successfully be in the studio for as long as I am, train for 15-20 hours a week, and make time on the weekends for my friends and family I'll have a much greater understanding of how to encourage others to do the same. I don't like making excuses, and I don't like hearing them from other people. So, if I can't do it, or rather, if I'm not willing to do it, how can I expect those I'm coaching to do it too?

6. Do you have any tips/tricks for someone who is thinking about pushing their own comfort zone with health and fitness?
It has to mean something to you. You'll never push the limits of your body and your mind if you don't have a strong reason WHY you're doing it. It was Michael who said at one of our Team Meetings that "Courage only takes 3 seconds." Often signing up the hardest part. In whatever form that comes in. Just take the plunge, find the right people to help get you through it, and trust in the process. Also, don't be afraid of failure. As a perfectionist, I often find it difficult to take that first step, because I like to over analyse everything and make sure everything is perfect before leaping in. We're never to exercise control over everything. Throw yourself in and don't be afraid of failure. All of us learn far more from making mistakes

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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