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Personal Development

Personal development can seem pretty straightforward but sometimes we need to keep hearing it again to action it. Find out how with Vision PT
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training
By Kevin Lin at Wahroonga published November 23, 2018
last updated October 12, 2023

What is personal development? It's the process of improving oneself through such as activities as enhancing employment skills, increasing consciousness and building wealth. Such activities can include reading books, audiobooks, listening to motivational speakers and life coaches. I've listened to the following audiobooks:

  • The four agreements
  • Eat that frog
  • The secret
  • Purple cow
  • No excuses
  • Awaken the giant within
  • Grit

All which are excellent books written by authors with knowledge and life experience. So why do personal development? If we invest our time into friends, property and business's, why then should we not invest in our brain? Developing your mind can positively change the way you think and act. Let's take ''the four agreements'' by Don Miguel Ruiz as an example. The book revolves around four agreements which are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don't take anything personally
  3. Don't make assumptions
  4. Always do your best

The book explains how to accept these four agreements which in turn will make your life more enjoyable. To be impeccable with your word means to speak with integrity and say only what you mean. Words are very powerful and if used incorrectly you may hurt someone, therefore use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. To not take anything personally is not easy to do but you need to understand that nothing others do is because of you. What other people say is only a projection of their own reality. Don't make assumptions, you need to find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want. If you communicate with others clearly you can avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. Lastly always do your best, when you've done your best you will have no regret in not trying your hardest. The book is very useful for developing a strong mind which can ultimately lead to success.

''Awaken the giant within'' by Tony Robbins is an excellent book and teaches you a have positive mindset. He describes how to link pain and pleasure to anything we do in life. For example, sometimes we sabotage ourselves on a diet. Let's say we have a cake in front us, you can either link pain or pleasure to consuming it. Pleasure will be short term while pain is long term because it'll affect your health and fitness in the long run. So, every time you are tempted to eat the cake, move it aside and link that to pleasure. Celebrate, give yourself a hi-five! Do something positive to link pleasure in to not falling for temptations. "You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know". This quote illustrates the potential we all have if we action and work towards our goals.

Personal development can seem pretty straightforward but sometimes we need to keep hearing it again and again in order to finally action it. It's positive and helps you awaken your true potential so you can live life with a purpose.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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