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Your Mental Wellbeing Checklist

At Vision Personal Training, we know how important mental health is. Click here to access your mental wellbeing checklist.
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training
By Nathan Weidemann at Prahran published April 16, 2020
last updated July 16, 2021

COVID-19 has changed the way we live, for many people, we had a lot of fulfilment in life with our day to day activities. We believe there are 3 factors which is a bigger concern than the COVID-19 disease.

1) Isolation
They say we're more connected than ever before through social media, however also never been so disconnected. Social media can lead us to false hope, insignificant "comments" "like", lack of real connection to name a few. We're creatures of human connection and interaction. We like going for a coffee/a movie with friends, family dinners/birthdays, dinner and drinks with your best friends. 

2) Structure & Routine
Without it, we may feel lost. Creatures of habits we've become, day to day, week to week, month to month. Now we live in a world potentially struggling to "fill the time". 

3) Uncertainty
Not knowing and not having an answer to when this will end! This can lead to anxiety, which in turn changes our thought process. Eventually our flight or fight mechanism comes into play.

So how do we overcome this? How do we create connection, consistent structure and live in a place of certainty in uncertain times? Our advice is to review the below checklist and ask yourself, are you taking control of you? Are you each day, each week, taking time to look after you? The below list is 100% in your control, it's your choice if you choose to do or not do.

If your checklist is less than 50% - Please stop, slow down, breathe and look at ways to increase your checklist.
If your checklist is 50-70% - Keep moving forward and look for small improvements each day.
If your checklist is 70-90% - Give yourself a pat on the back, this is a fantastic place to be.
If your checklist is 90-100% - Congratulations on looking after you, our advice would be to help support others.

Your Checklist: Tick off if you have completed each of the below.

Sleep Routine
• 7 - 9hrs sleep each night.
  Into bed the same time each night.
• Rise at the same time each morning.
• Turn off all devices 1-2hours before bed.
• Dim lights 1 hour before bed to help secretion of melatonin.

• 6-8 glasses of water per day.
• Adequate amount of vitamins and minerals in diet.
• Adequate amount of carbohydrates.
• Adequate amount of protein.
• Adequate amount of essential fats.
• Limit alcohol intake.
• 5-6 small meals per day.
• 1-2 coffee per day (monitor caffeine intake and artificial sweeteners).
• Online Health Seminars.
• Complete your Food Diary.

• Practice Mindfulness.
• Breathing focus (YouTube for breathing practices).
• Smell - The aromas of coffee, flowers, candles.
• Mediate.
• Listen to inspiring music/podcast.
• Fresh air.
• Sunlight.
• Set daily and weekly goals/targets.
• Clean your work space/home.
• Plan you day before it begins (create a structure).
• Set a weekly task list and tick it off once completed.

• Walking / Bike Ride 20-30min.
• Resistance Training.
• Yoga / Pilates / Stretching.
• Run / HIIT Session.
• Online PT.
• Online Group Training.
• Complete an Exercise Diary.

• Call Family and Friends.
• Call an old friend.
• Online Video Conversation (Facetime/Zoom).
• Post a hand written letter.
• Told someone how grateful you are to apart of their life.
• Plan future events with someone close.

All the above tasks you have 100% control over, it's up to you how to spend your time, effort and energy. We're generally busy people and don't take time for ourselves, now is the perfect opportunity for you.

Lastly, this is an ideal time to learn something new (language, short course, instrument), find new hobbies (puzzles seem to be people's go to at the moment) and look to give back, look to find ways to support others.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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