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Are you toning up?

Are you looking to tone up but not entirely sure where to start? Let Vision Personal Training flip the script and show you how you can do so much more
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Ryan Bartlett at Surrey Hills published March 9, 2017
last updated October 12, 2023

We've all said it right? I want more muscle tone!

And if you're reading this, then you probably want more muscle tone too. Whether you want to tone up your legs, your stomach, your arms, your chest, your back, your shoulders or even your entire body! Whatever it is, you want to know all about toning. You want to know the best muscle toning exercises, the best body toning workouts, and all of the tips, tricks and secrets of how to get toned.


So, let's get to straight to the point.


The #1 reason you aren't as 'toned' as you would like to be, is more often than not, that you have too much body fat covering your muscles.


Read that again so it really sinks in…

What we are trying to say when we talk about muscle 'toning' is that we want to be able to see and feel our muscles better than we currently do. 

To achieve this, it will always be a matter of doing the following: 

  1. Reducing the excess body fat that is covering your muscles.
  2. Building some more lean muscle.


To make it really simple…

Less Body Fat + Lean Muscle = Toning

That's all it takes.

Now, let's delve into the proponents of our muscle 'toning' equation.


  1. Less Body Fat


To lose fat you MUST be in an energy deficit. In simple terms, you need to be expending more energy than you are consuming. Basically, this is achieved through combining the right nutrition plan, tailored to your specific needs, in conjunction with the adequate amount of exercise. While some form of physical exercise will undoubtedly help create this deficit, the unfortunate truth is that diet is the dominant factor controlling your energy intake*


  1. Lean Muscle


To develop lean muscle mass you MUST follow a tailored resistance-training program, designed with the correct parameters (frequency, intensity, volume and many more) performed with the most optimal technique, to ensure you are targeting the specific muscle group(s) intending to be stimulated*



How do you know where to begin?


This is where a reputable personal trainer may come in handy. Your Personal Trainer should design your one-on-one exercise program - taking into account your specific goals, timeframe, body shape, exercise preferences, current condition, health requirements and lifestyle.


Your exercise program should be tailored to you and the results you want and split into short-term achievable goals to make it easy for you to get constant success.


Knowing what to eat to align with your exercise plan is critical to your success. Your Personal Trainer should have extensive knowledge regarding the essentials of nutrition and must design with you an individual nutrition plan, a critical part of your journey to self-transformation.


Vision Personal Training is recognised as among the best Personal Trainers in the industry. We hold internationally recognised certifications, and are constantly updating our skills to ensure our clients receive the latest and best advice. Your trainer will be committed to inspiring you to achieve your own personal bests along your journey. You will truly amaze yourself with what you are capable of doing and achieving in your sessions and with your results.


Ryan Bartlett - Vision Personal Training Surrey Hills


*More on these topics in future articles 

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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