Five top tips for weight loss.
Do you feel like you are trying but failing to lose weight? These five tips may help you to achieve your desired results! Everyone's weight loss journey is different but these are some common themes seen amongst those who are successful in losing weight and then keeping the weight off over time.
As the saying goes, 'failing to plan is planning to fail', so when it comes to weight loss planning is one of the most important parts. People that consistently achieve great weight loss results nail their planning every week. This includes planning your meals for the week ahead of time so you know what foods you will be eating and at what times. This helps to illuminate the problem of finding yourself sitting at your desk at work, hungry and with nothing to eat other than what's in the vending machine.
Another important part of planning is setting out times and days where you will fit in your weekly cardio and weights training. This helps for exercise to fit into your lifestyle so it doesn't get pushed to the side when you get busy.
To always be seeing and achieving great results, you must consistently put in the effort required. Consistency doesn't mean having five great days food and exercise wise from Monday to Friday and then falling off the wagon on the weekends, only to restart on the Monday, every week. Instead, it means sticking to the food and exercise plan that you have made for yourself and following it week in and week out.
Of course, everyone will have a slip up once in a while, whether this be a missed cardio session or a not so healthy meal, but it is important to get straight back on track afterwards. This is one of the main things that set those who achieve great results apart from the rest.
Make your health a priority.
The people who are most successful with losing weight and keeping the weight off are those who make exercise, good diet and overall health a priority in their lives. This helps to turn exercise and healthy eating into a lifestyle and something that becomes the new normal.
Making your health a priority also eliminates the likelihood of excuses and things 'getting in the way' of your results, because you generally find a way to fit in the things that are most important to you.
Clear and important goals.
Having clear goals set that are important and meaningful to you is incredibly important when working towards weight loss goals. The more important your goal is, the less likely it is that you will let something get in the way of you achieving that goal.
Good support system.
A good support system can include friends, family, other people you exercise with, and of course, your trainer. Having people around you who are encouraging and supportive of your goals, will help to make the difficult times easier and the positive times even better, because you have people to share these moments with.
Finding friends and family to exercise with is also helpful because it makes exercise more enjoyable and you can help motivate each other to exercise and work towards your health and fitness goals together!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.