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Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Jo Hurst at Stanmore published February 2, 2017
last updated July 15, 2021



"I went out on the weekend and my friends were drinking so I thought I would just have a couple to be social. Ended up finishing a couple of bottles and woke up on Sunday feeling crap. AGAIN!"

If this sounds like you, take time out, make a list of all your friends, colleagues and those you see regularly.

Give them a + if they are a positive influence on you.

Give them a * if they like being active, fit and healthy.

Give them a # if they do what they say they are going to do.

Finally, if you think you would like to spend more time with them give them a $ because they are the ones who really add value to your life.

We talk about CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE all the time and it is such a real phenomenon. Make a list of those top 5 people and start writing down the traits, values, characteristics and commitments they have.

You will be the average of those top 5 friends.

Now here comes the hard part and remember you're not 15 years old at High School so it doesn't matter what others will think. Cross off the friends who don't add to your life experience. You don't have to abandon them, just start spending more time with the ones who you want to be with. Your time is of value - you can never get it back. Find things to do together that are active and provide happiness rather than drinking, eating, watching Netflix and eating pizza. Find a course to do together, join a community of like-minded people and make new friends that will bring out your best.

Make a positive change - FLIP your FRIENDS


"I'm too busy. There is so much going on I have no time left for myself. When I do find quiet time I just want to relax and not think about anything."

This is a constant voice in our head and I get it. Mother, partner, work commitments, family, home, chores, bills, homework, ballet and football training its literally a juggling act for so many of us. IF this sounds like you, maybe there is a way to simplify your life just a little at a time. Share the afterschool drop offs and pick-ups, do a big cook up on the weekend just to save a bit of time during the week, go for a walk while the kids are at training instead of sitting in the car answering emails or checking FB. Catch the train to work and listen to an audiobook or catch up with social media on the way home so you can be present. Wake up an hour earlier and head outdoors before the family wakes - the air is fresh, peace surrounds you and it's a very calm way to start the day. Try it once a week to start and I'm sure once you enjoy it, a consistent routine will develop. Small changes made consistently over time will give you success.

How many ways can you think of to FLIP your TIME?



"I can't think of any goals at the moment, I've done everything that I thought I could do" I once said that to my trainer after 12 months of great goal setting and he looked at me like I was an alien. 10 years since then and trust me, there was so much more.

Challenge yourself to set goals? What is it you want to have completed by the end of this year? Next year? In five years? Write these things down. Along the way those goals will become motivators and part of the journey to achievement and success. The planning is the creative, fun part of the process and once you have a plan then take MASSIVE Action. This is where your circle of influence comes in - your friends, family, personal trainer, physio, coach. If you need help and support then you are surrounded by people who want to see you achieve your goals as much as you do. Be positive and proactive and make the most of your life.




"By the time I get home I can't be bothered cooking anything and usually there is nothing to eat so I just get takeaway or have cheese on toast for dinner."

Nutrition is your only source of energy for your body. All areas from your hair to your toenails need a variety of vitamins, minerals, carbs, proteins and fats to enable you simply to survive. With busy schedules, ever increasing workload and stresses we need to be putting the best quality nutrition into our bodies. WE all know what that means - eat in moderation, limit sugar and processed foods, cook at home, plan your food and follow your macros. Sometimes it sounds like a nagging voice sitting on your shoulder however, if you did what you know is right the nagging will stop and you will start to re energise, lose a few kilos, see some results and feel so much more confident. We all have to eat. It doesn't take any more time to cook a healthy meal as it does to cook an unhealthy choice. Find some time to set your food plan on a weekly or monthly basis, cook up a storm once a week and set yourself up for success.





"It's too hard, I just don't know anyone who can help me, I don't have time, I know what to do, I just can't get motivated. I give up."

This may start sounding like a broken record for some people as the hope of health and wellness slips away. It often then takes a big jolt, a wakeup call or a health scare to turn people around. You never know how important it is to feel well until you're so sick that you would give anything to just get better. Find something to move you away from the pain towards the pleasure and hope of feeling great again and you will soon have your groove back. Talk to your trainer, friend, family and those who inspire you and allow yourself to be real and find answers that will help you.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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