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Meet Protein Requirements without Meat

Struggling to meet your protein requirements begin a vegetarian? in this Vision PT article we share our best non-meat protein sources.
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By Matt Aston at Bangor

Meat protein requirements without meet.

Protein is an essential nutrient and is vital to support tissue repair, muscle growth, as well as supporting digestion and immune function. But, when we think protein we think MEAT. As times are changing there is now a greater percentage of the population more health conscious and choosing to live meat free. While meat may be a great way to achieve a high protein diet, you are not locked in to the rules of a carnivore. Before delving into meat free alternatives, we are going to look at why meat is a popular choice, so that we have more of an idea on how to make the right decision when making a meat free substitution.

• Meat is high in an Amino Acid L-Leucine. This Amino Acid directly stimulates muscle protein synthesis.

• Meat is high in iron. Iron is vital in transporting life-giving oxygen through blood cells.

• Meat is high in our B vitamins, especially B12. A diet low in B vitamins has a lack of energy in the body. Now that we know a few of the most important benefits of eating meat, we now know what to look for when making a meat free substitution.

Meat free foods high in Amino Acid L-Leucine:

• Dairy Products (Milk, Greek yoghurt, and Cheese)

• Eggs

• Legumes (Soy beans, Chick Peas, and Kidney beans)

• Raw Peanuts. • Supplementation (Whey Protein Concentrate, Or Leucine supplementation)

Meat free foods high in Iron:

• Dark leafy green (Spinach)

• Iron fortified foods (Cereals, and Breads)

• Vegetables (squash, and Pumpkin Seeds)

Meat free food high in B-Vitamins

• Eggs

• Dairy Products

• Oats

• B vitamins are mostly found in animal products.

Now that we have looked at the foods that a high in Leucine, Iron, and B-Vitamins, we have a better understanding on how to successfully piece together a day where we can supplement meat, and the benefits that it offers.


2 slices Burgen Soy-Linseed

1 Egg Whole

2 Egg Whites

100g Mushrooms

Morning Tea:

100g Watermelon

100g Pineapple

100g Rockmelon

200g Chobani Fat-Free Greek Yoghurt


50g Live Free Cheese

120g Chickpeas

50g Baby Spinach

100g Tomato

50g Cucumber

50g Beetroot

Afternoon Tea:

30g Vision Protein

200g Strawberries


112.5g Yumi's Falafel (1/2 pack)

50g Baby Spinach

100g Tomato

30g Onion

50g Chobani Fat-Free Greek Yoghurt (Garlic sauce)

5g Minced

Garlic Total macros:

Carbs: 118.7g

Protein: 126.7g

Fat: 39g

From the day's worth of food above you can see that sufficient protein can be met without eating meat. Following a vegetarian lifestyle may not be for everyone, or following a carnivorous lifestyle may also not be for everyone, but a diet with sufficient nutrients is vital for everyone.

Matt Aston

Senior Personal Trainer

Vision Personal Training Bangor

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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