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My Journey

My Journey
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Laurice Hooker at Pyrmont published September 29, 2017
last updated November 23, 2020

My Journey

Laurice Hooker

In 2012, I was the heaviest and unhealthiest I had ever been, I had let myself go for so long that I didn't even realise how bad it actually was.

Looking back, I can see how much of a problem I had with food. I was an emotional eater and would always eat alone. Food made me feel happy to a point, but after consuming so much I would just feel upset again.

I would drink most nights of the week, I was known as a party animal but that was just a front, deep down I hated myself and drinking till I blacked out helped me escape my pain. I had been smoking for over 10 years, it had now turned into a pack a day habit that was costing me a fortune as well as the added health risks.

I was broken, lost and in a destructive cycle that was only getting worse and needed to be stopped.

I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I was disgusted at what I would see, I never wanted to go out with friends, most of my clothes didn't fit and I was in complete denial.

I wanted so bad to change my life, but I always kept giving into my addictions which helped hide how truly depressed I really was.

I let people walk all over me, use and abuse my trust. I did a lot of stupid things, hit some very low points in my life and had no care for what the future held for me.

All I ever wanted was for someone to save me from myself. The only person that could do that was me and this took me a very long time to see.

How could I expect someone to love me when I didn't even love myself?

How can I expect someone to treat me with respect when I abused my own body and didn't even respect myself?

I never thought I was good enough to be successful, to make a difference or to be loved. There were two ways I could have gone, but finally for the first time in my life I choose to put myself first and I have never looked back.

I believe that there's a point in life that defines who you are as a person. That turning point that you will always remember. For me that was getting a Personal Trainer.

Having a PT changed my life. To this day he has no idea of the impact he made or that I will always remember and appreciate everything he did for me.

My PT supported and helped me through my struggles. He celebrated my achievements and I know I wouldn't have got to my goal if it wasn't for him believing in me.

As time went on I quit smoking and cut down on alcohol. I was feeling and looking great. It really is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.

Having a PT inspired me to become a Personal Trainer.

I want people to see how far I have come and how much they can change their own lives through eating and exercise.

I've always believed that everything happens for a reason. I have no regrets in life I wouldn't be where I'm now without the struggles I had, it's made me into the person I'm today.

I love doing what I do, I wake up looking forward to the day ahead and I can honestly say that I never have to work a day in my life.

If you ever feel like you can't do something then you have already failed. Having a positive and optimistic mindset is crucial, what consumes your mind controls your life so get rid of your doubt, negativity and give it a go whatever that maybe, you'll never regret it.

If you have a bad day, week, month or year don't give up you are capable of so much more than you think, every day is new day for a fresh start.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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