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New year New GOALS

New year, new goals. Let the experts at Vision Personal Training show you how to set effective goals and how to actually stick to them!
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Tabitha Hudson at Wollongong published November 30, 2018
last updated October 12, 2023

New Year, New Goals !

It's about that time of year where everyone is saying "new year, new me" 

There is never the perfect time to change but what better opportunity than the new year to make changes, set new goals and create a new lifestyle or way of life. 

I recommend considering the next few points before you start setting new goals for the new year, to make sure you commit to them. 

  1. Review last year, did you hit the goals you wanted? If so fantastic! You're on the right track. If not. Why not? What got in your way of your achievements and what can you do next time to ensure you make them happen? 
  2. Let go of past experiences or hurts. This rarely ever helps and actually makes the situation worse whether its related to past experiences with food, eating, training. Relationships etc. this is important so you can embrace a new future. 
  3. Are you actually ready to change? It might be that time of year but are you emotionally ready and committed to making changes. If not go back to point two. There might be some things in your past you need to learn from and work through. This is where a trainer or coach is helpful.

Now that you've reviewed your 2018 it's time to get focused on short term goals. These will keep you motivated. If you set goals too far away you won't be as motivated to work towards them. 

Set a long term 12 month goal for where you want to be and what you want to accomplish that is completely different and outside your comfort zone and a 6 month goal as your halfway point. So, if you haven't achieved what you want to in 6 months you can reassess if you're not on track to the big goal! 

Then start every day with daily actions that will contribute to a better life. E.g. eating cleaner every day, daily exercise targets. 

Remember every day is a new day. Daily actions are more important to get you closer towards your goals. Small steps to great things.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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