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Six Tips to Fat Loss Success

Check out our favourite six tips for fat loss success.
By Sandra Miskle at Randwick published January 15, 2021
last updated January 18, 2021

1. Track your food and create a calorie deficit.

The first thing we need to do when wanting to lose fat is, we need to create a calorie deficit. Simply put, this involves reducing your calories to be less than what we burn off.

  • It is important that we track our food to ensure that we achieve this.
  • The MyVision app is an extremely helpful tool that will assist in this process

2. Increase Protein

A good balance of protein keeps you feeling fuller longer and reduces cravings for high carbohydrates and fatty foods. Good protein sources are:

  • Lean meat: chicken, turkey, extra lean beef mince, white fish
  • Egg whites
  • Low fat dairy foods
  • Supplements (protein powder)

3. Increase Good Fats (in moderation)

Good fats transport essential vitamins (A, D, E, K) through the body, food high in these good fats are:

  • Seeds, Nuts, Avocado
  • Omega 3 - found in cold water fish and some plants
  • Omega 6 - found in many oils (coconut oil)

4. Reduce Alcohol

When you consume alcohol, the body looks to burn it off first, as it sees it as a toxin, rather than the food consumed while drinking, which will be stored as fat. To achieve faster results:

  • Avoid alcohol, alcohol contains unnecessary carbohydrates.
  • Chose a lower alcohol content beer/wine, or even zero varieties, now readily available.
  • Don't overeat after drinking, drink more water, as dehydration signs are often mistaken for hungry.
  • Alternately, when drinking, alternate an alcoholic drink with a glass of water or sparkling/soda water with a slice of lemon or lime. This will hydrate you while drinking less calories.

5. Eating Around Exercise

Don't over consume carbohydrates prior/after exercise, ideally eat a small amount before exercise, then wait for 1 hour after your cardio. Cardio will keep your metabolism working for up to an hour after burning your stored fat.

  • Avoid poor carbohydrate choices - pastries, biscuits, chocolate, chips, sugars (no nutrients, high fat). 
  • Moderate carbohydrate choices - bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals, fruit juices, dried fruits (dense carbs). 
  • Best carbohydrate choices - peaches, plums, berries, tomato, nectarines, broccoli, zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, capsicum, beans, asparagus (water based, high in fibre and minerals).

6. Eating Small Regular Meals

Results achieved are 70% nutrition and 30% exercise.

  • Eat small regular meals to boosts the body's fat burning potential
  • This process spikes your metabolism, using extra energy used to break down these meals, creating a consistent burn.
  • Large meals are harder to digest, which can turn the unused calories into fat.

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