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Staying motivated over summer

Do you need help staying motivated over summer? Let Vision PT help you make the most of this nice weather and get inspired to smash your goals.
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Andrew Simmons at Caringbah published October 21, 2020
last updated August 20, 2021

Summers here and it sure is a bright time for fun, relaxing, holidays and spending time with loved ones - which means it's very easy for your health and fitness priorities to take a turn in the back seat. Though, it doesn't have to be this way.

Preparation and staying motivated over summer will ensure you keep in shape and can enjoy this relaxing period so you enter the new year feeling rejuvenated. Here's how:

Create a summer eating plan

Plan a new diet that revolves around summer's offerings. This is the time when certain varieties of luscious fruits like nectarines and peaches are available. Since the weather is a lot warmer, you're less likely to want to eat hot meals. So introduced a lot of leafy salads and fruit as replacements when you feel like eating fatty snacks or don't feel like eating at all - because skipping meals is just as bad as over-indulging in calorie-soaked junk food.

Use outdoor activities as exercise

Many necessary outdoor chores happen to be big calorie burners without you ever knowing. Gardening, such as doing the weeds, raking and mowing the lawn really work your muscles and burn fat. So since the days are longer during summer and you may not have time to visit the gym, consider gardening or other outdoor activities like playing Frisbee with the young ones a workout.

Record your progress

During summer, one of the many things people fall back on is their new year's resolution. You're not going to be one of these people. Set realistic goals that you know you can achieve over time and maintain the results. The best thing to seeing this come to light is making the start to record your goals and progress so you have something to look forward to. You will stay motivated and feel satisfied when you see small results each week. A little goes a long way and people with goals succeed because they know what direction they're heading.

Take advantage of sunlight

The daylight hours are longer, so consider taking a morning or evening walk, jog, or bike ride with family to exercise and socialise at the same times. There are also fun summer activities you can take up such as swimming to stay cool, a day trip to the beach, skating, hiking or tennis that can be great outdoor alternatives to working out indoors.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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