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Tackling Your First Fitness/Running Event

Looking to complete your first running event? Let Vision Personal Training show you everything you need to know for your first running event.
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By Jack Smith at Southport published January 21, 2019
last updated August 18, 2021

So, you have set your sights on tackling a running event this year. Whether it's a personal challenge, the next logical step in training, to prove your co-worker wrong or simply to feel the achievement of hitting a big goal.  Whatever your reason for setting a running goal is, it's fantastic you have made your decision!  Before you hit the streets and start running, there are a few key things to consider and plan for to ensure you have the highest chance of success!

1.Set Up A Plan

Pick an event; date, distance and goal around the event.  Once you have decided the event to take part in, the planning process begins.  Following a training plan increases your performance, decreases the risk of injury/niggles and generally makes the whole process more enjoyable.  By joining in on Vision Run Club sessions (which will all be planned around upcoming running events also) you not only will be running under the guidance of a trainer, but also running in a group which can help with motivation on those longer running days.  If you can't fit group running into your schedule, then sitting down with your trainer to plan your weeks and workouts will be of massive help

2. Get The Right Equipment

Running is a sport where you need less equipment than most other pastimes, yet there are still some key items you will need.  Good quality running shoes that suit your foot will help decrease injury greatly, just because you like the look of the shoe doesn't always mean the shoe is suited for your foot or racing style!  A thin soled racing flat will almost certainly cause issues in someone running their first marathon with little running experience.  Once you have the right shoe for you, ensure to monitor the sole and replace when the shoes wear.

You will need some sort of tracker to monitor your runs.  Whether you use a running watch like a Garmin or Suunto, or even download an app on your phone to measure your runs, this will be key to track your progression or pace, zone, heart rate, total load and perceived effort.  By having something to track your runs, you and your trainer can monitor the progression and ensure your adherence to your running plan.

3. Nutrition

Nutrition based around fitness is totally different to nutrition for fat loss or muscle gain.  Your food will gradually need to change around the training and goals you are currently trying to achieve.  By speaking to your trainer and setting your goals together, your nutrition can perfectly compliment your running where you have sufficient energy to get fitter, whilst not overeating and gaining body fat.  When running loads increase, it can be easy to overestimate the amount of energy exerted and then to think you need to "refuel" after the long run, leading to then taking in too much energy.  Fitness based nutrition is all about giving yourself the correct amount of energy to fuel the body.

4. Training and Recovery.

Once the plan has been set, the shoes are ready and the food plan is complete.  It's time to train!  Following the plan you have already setup is key, varying this can lead to under/overtraining, injury or simply not getting the work done to get fit enough.  It's also vital to have a recovery plan outside of training.  By attending Revive Group sessions in the studio, setting time aside to stretch or foam roll in studio or having hot/cold water treatment will all help in the goal of hitting your running goal!

5. Race Day

The day has come, the plan has been followed, you have done all the training runs and the pre-race nutrition has been perfect.  Go enjoy the day!  Follow your race plan, look out for friends and family on the course and most importantly enjoy the process!  This has been the goal set for months in advance, go execute and feel the endorphins from your achievement

6. Celebrate

The most important thing outside of the race on race day is the celebration!  Upload a photo of your achievement to social media, congratulate your fellow runners and bask in the atmosphere.  You have just achieved a massive goal!  Afterwards allow yourself the day to celebrate however you please; whether it's a quiet lunch or an afterparty just ensure you allow yourself the satisfaction of everything you achieved.

7.Pick the next goal

You are now hooked on running, where's the next event?


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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