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Top Tips to get you through uncertain times

In this Vision Personal Training article, we share our top tips to getting you through uncertain times. Click to read more.
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Jack Smith at Southport published April 8, 2020
last updated August 18, 2021

We are in the middle of the most uncertain time many of us have, or ever will experience.  Sickness spreading the globe, jobs being lost, relationships changed, mass confusion and we are now looking at how to live in this "new normal" As this pandemic lengthens and restrictions grow, we are now trying to find routine, structure and clarity in the chaos.  Looking around us, we are seeing, both the best and worst in people, as extreme times are bringing to the forefront people at their most stripped back and real.  What is clear though, is that life always will balance and this too will pass, which leads us to the question:  at the end of this period, will we be proud of our actions and behaviours, or disappointed?  This simple choice we all have to make will define how we move through not only this period, but the position we are in on the other side and it is true for all aspects of our life.  Now more than ever, this simple choice is the most powerful thing we do.

If we choose to grow, adapt and change for the positive, we now need to look at thinking outside the box as to how to be most effective in this new world.  The same goals, plans and structures you had before will work, but we now need to look at innovative ways to help achieve these results.

Discipline equals Freedom

As Jocko Willink describes; showing discipline in daily structures and routines allows freedom for the rest of your life.  Right now, we find our routine thrown out the window: the gyms are shut, our workplaces are closed or if in healthcare increased activity and our favourite places to congregate are now not safe to visit.  We need to establish a new home based routine to allow us to continue to move forward.  

  • Plan your day on paper the day before, schedule time to exercise, eat, work, make phone calls, wake up at the same time daily.  Our brain thrives on routine and structure.  Keeping this pattern will allow us to be both productive and sane
  • Plan your daily food:  With less activity and more sedentary life, your food habits will need to change in order to keep on track with your goals.  Use the MyVision app and food planner to ensure you hit your targets.
  • Plan your exercise:  Schedule your PT with your trainer, build a new weekly exercise plan in accordance with the new guidelines of safe outdoor and home exercise.  Keeping endorphins flowing through training is a great way to stay positive.
  • Keep productive with work and life by setting clear guidelines whilst working at home.  By defining hours to work and being focussed on that task will lead to increased productivity, whilst we work from home there is a potential to be "working" longer yet actually doing less as we get distracted by the pets, washing, family etc

Control the controllable

Whilst we are definitely living in a time of uncertainty, we feel more anxiety and stress because so much is currently out of our control.  The pure solution to this is to spend more time controlling the controllable.

  • Limit the time spent watching the news/media.  Ensure to tune in to critical updates or anything that impacts you, whilst tuning out to the vast array of media all concentrated on the current situation. Hearing the daily update from the Prime Minister of Australia is much more important to you today than reading statistics of other countries.
  • As above, follow all your daily plans
  • Take in educational information to help you move forward.  Weekly, the team at Vision are presenting live webinars to give you valuable content to keep your health on track.  Tuning into these will keep you in touch with the community and give great tools.
  • Reach out to the special people in your life: your team at work, family and friends.  Keeping good connections with your key people ensures you can move through stronger together.
  • Take an ABOVE THE LINE mindset.  Choose to take ownership, accountability and responsibility for all your actions.
  • Do not spend too much time analysing things you cannot control.  This leads to a negative mindset and BELOW THE LINE mentality.
  • Look for opportunity.  With a changing life, there are new opportunities opening up to us that we have never even thought of or had access too? How can we optimise the way we work now with a heavier reliance on technology?  How can our relationships with people grow now we can't physically be in contact with them?  There is much positive change to be had that will help us long term, but only if we are open to it.

Healthy body, Healthy mind

Now more than ever, physical and mental health is vital.  By keeping consistent with some key things, you can help your resistance to illness.

  • Step up your personal development.  With less time travelling, at work or socialising; use this time to continue to work on yourself.  Set a goal to read, listen or watch something every day that helps your personal growth.  Whether it be financial education, business strategy, mindset conditioning or health research; use this time to grow your brain to a new level.
  • Exercise is key.  As already mentioned, exercise is fantastic for both mental and physical health.  Stay safe with exercises but try to move every day!  Your trainer will be able to continue to safely prescribe more healthy exercise.
  • Nutrition is always important, but now more than ever we need a variety of fresh foods full of vitamins and minerals to boost our immunity and bodily function.  Use your trainer for more nutrition education.
  • Get in the sun!  Vitamin D is essential for our bodies, now as we spend more time inside at home, ensure to at least get 15 mins of direct sunlight per day for optimal Vitamin D absorption. 
  • Be optimistic, not positive.  Positivity sometimes can overlook the facts of a situation and just claim everything, we will be ok without actually having a plan of how to make it so.  Optimism is accepting the current situation, but still knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel and then searching for a way to get there.
  • Keep a close circle of influence.  The people around you and their behaviours often will reflect onto you.  Keep aware of your close circle and ensure there are people around you using the tips as above.  Spending time with your trainer is a perfect example to keep you moving forward.
  • Recharge your batteries.  Whether you like to keep a grateful list, do breathing exercises or simply sit in the garden to have a nap, ensure you either continue the habits that recharge you or start some.  Doing this every day will help to keep you resilient and strong throughout.



*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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