Client from Wollongong

I felt heavy and unmotivated. I kept making excuses for not doing things - I felt old.
I had tried to make improvements before but I couldn't maintain the diets I had started so I would fail and this would cause me to give up and fall back into my bad eating habits which in turn would stop me from exercising.
I didn't think that I could lose any weight or stick to a diet for so long. I have started to enjoy doing weight sessions with my personnel trainer (I was never into weight training ).
I think the biggest benefit was learning how to eat and exercise to lose and maintain a healthy weight. This is knowledge I didn't have before. Seeing my body transformation over the last few months has been a real eye opener.
Vision Personal Training is a clean friendly environment that ensures that their members get the attention they need to meet their goals. With goal setting sessions, info nights, diet and PT classes, members have all they need to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's easy to do and I'm proof that the Vision Personal Training system will work for anyone who gives it a go.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Wollongong Success Stories

Lauren Losurdo

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