Client from Hawthorn
Tell us about your life before joining Vision?
Being a professional dancer and performer I had been active all of my life but I struggled every single day with my weight. I danced a lot but hated any other form of exercise and joined countless gyms but could never make it stick. I never knew what I was doing when I went there and invariably ended up walking on a treadmill bored out of my brain and not getting anywhere with changing my body shape. Somehow I ended up working in the health and fitness industry (when I was out of work as a dancer) as a sales person for big gym chains both here and the UK and although I loved the culture of the workplace-the personal trainers and gym instructors were lots of fun and always happy- I was still unmotivated to train myself and never felt comfortable asking for help. I also became extremely disillusioned with the health and fitness industry as I sold memberships to people who never had any intention on using them and never knew what the solution to their problems were. After I settled back into life in Australia (after 5 years living in the UK) I realised I was always one of the biggest girls at dance auditions and it dawned on me just how much healthier everyone was in Australia. I knew I needed to change my eating, alcohol and exercise habits but didn't know where to start as my job as a sales consultant had me knowing I didn't want to train in a big gym. Driving around Sydney I started to notice Vision personal Training Studios everywhere and then one day when I was at my most fed up a letter from the franchise owner of my local studio in Drummoyne fell into my letterbox and was the last push I needed to make the call and get started.
What results have you achieved at Vision?
Where do I start? I have learnt new eating and exercise habits that became a lifelong change and have kept me motivated ever since. I dropped a whopping 13kilos (my original goal was 8kg) with Vision Personal Training and took off over 15% body fat. I took up running (something I hated and thought I would never enjoy) and have now run 8 full marathons, 5 half marathons, 1 triathlon and participated in an amateur boxing match and countless fun runs.
- What impact has Vision had on your life since achieving your amazing results?
I guess you could say the old cliché: "Vision has transformed my life". This could not be any truer in my life. I walked into Vision Personal Training disillusioned, unhappy with my body, my life and my current career. Vision Personal Training changed all of that. Not only did I achieve amazing results in my health and fitness through the weight loss, body shape change and the love of running, Vision personal Training actually gave me a new life. I made some hard decisions whilst training at Vision that opened me up to new possibilities and these included meeting my now husband (who was a trainer at the studio I was training at-no he wasn't my trainer!) and becoming a personal trainer myself which has lead my husband and I to our home in Hawthorn, Victoria owning our very own Vision Personal Training studio and now helping of transform the lives of our community!
What are some of the defining moments during your journey?
- Achieving my original weight loss goal in just over 9 weeks was a huge milestone for me but then being able to push myself even further and achieve losing another 5 kilos after that really proved to me how amazing Vision's systems are. Follow them and you get results!
- Running my first marathon in the Gold Coast was a huge turning point for me and proved that you can do anything you set your mind to.
- Becoming a trainer, helping to change some amazing people's lives and then opening a studio of our own in Hawthorn, Victoria.
- And of course, most importantly, meeting and marrying my best friend, husband and business partner Tom Anasson.
What advice would you give someone who is currently thinking about taking a positive step towards changing their health and fitness?
Like the old Nike saying: JUST DO IT!
The biggest thing about starting a health and fitness program is that if you think you can or you think you can't-you're right! If you just get started and follow the Vision systems there is absolutely nothing stopping you from achieving the results you want. It is an investment on your future, that is as important as buying your first house or putting away superannuation. You only live once-but if you do it right-once is enough! Enjoy every moment of the journey and allow yourself to celebrate the achievements along the way-and who knows where it could lead!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Hawthorn Success Stories

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