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Anita Livingstone

lost over 25kg and now a Vision personal trainer
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Client from Sylvania

Before Anita Livingstone (before)
After Anita Livingstone (after)

I commenced my journey with Vision in September 2014 after having struggled with my weight for over 10 years. Since then I have not looked back, losing over 25kgs, 49.5cms in measurements and 22.2% body fat. Vision has helped me turn my life around, becoming a much fitter, healthier and happier person. I have achieved so much with Vision in such a short amount of time, running in my first ever event the 10k Sun Run in January 2015, the Sutherland to Surf and the 21km Half marathon in September. My achievements with Vision inspired me to completely change careers in order to help others do the same. My proudest achievement was completing my qualifications as a Personal trainer and joining the team at Vision in Sylvania in August 2015.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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