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Belinda Daly

It goes to show, exercise is the best medicine of all!
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Sylvania | Trainer: Jack Caffyn


Showing up at Vision is just what I do. It's as normal as brushing my teeth or going to work. I know that if I keep showing up, I get the right balance that I need in my life. Finding that balance was difficult for me before finding Vision. After almost losing my life during the birth of my third child, I remained quite unwell and making time to physically take care of myself with three young children wasn't something I thought I had time for - us Mums often put ourselves last.

However, a specialist doctor treating me really encouraged me to look at diet and exercise to help with my recovery. Although I was not considered overweight, he was not a fan of medicating a person of my age so heavily and thought maybe this lifestyle change could make a difference... it did!

I learned quickly after joining Vision that exercise was a way better investment into my health than the many pharmaceuticals I had previously needed to help keep me well. Once I saw how quickly my health responded to good food choices and exercise, I made the decision to make exercise my new normal. I learned to make time for myself at the gym during the early morning hours whilst my family slept, that way I could look after myself and be home in time for my family.

Eight years have passed and Vision Sylvania remains part of my every day life. I am fit, healthy and strong because of it. I attend personal training and group training sessions most days of the week, and have achieved many things I'd never imagined during my time with Vision. I have great trainers who support and encourage me and I've formed relationships with other clients who have become life long friends. Developing friendships has been valuable in helping maintain longevity in my training.

I enjoy being part of a team and our regular participation in events has given me a great collection of race bibs and medals - who'd have thought this crazy mum would achieve so much whilst raising her family and working in a busy job. I've learned that being kind to myself helps the journey. I can laugh at myself during a training session and be ok with getting something wrong a hundred times before getting it right, or, run a race and feel proud of a great run pace or an average run pace.

I know that just by turning up week in and week out, I'm doing my best to take care of myself for as long as I possibly can. It goes to show that exercise is the best medicine after all!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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