Client from Brighton

Tell me about your life before Vision?
Prior to joining Vision my lifestyle was very good, my health and fitness, not so much. I had been training for 20 years and although I felt fitter and stronger I was never able to shake my excess weight. I believed I was eating well but without a specific direction, couldn't achieve my desired body shape. I was under the illusion that if I trained everyday I could eat whatever I wanted. Over time I became resigned to the fact that I would probably stay looking this way as this was my body shape and couldn't be changed. I would dress to conceal myself wearing loose or baggy clothing and definitely wouldn't be caught dead wearing a swimsuit! The tipping point for me came when I had been to visit my doctor and he warned me about health concerns such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease that I was putting myself at risk. At that time, my daughter Gabby was training at Vision, she had seen other people my age achieve some amazing results so I thought I better give it a try and haven't look back since!
What Results have you achieved?
Well so far, I have lost over 11kgs! I have dropped from a size 16 to either an 8 or 10 which is fantastic. My health was a very important factor for me and I have seen a big improvement. My cholesterol levels have improved to the point that I have been off medication for 2 years now. I used to suffer from chronic migraine's but I have found exercise helps relieve the symptoms. Another big goal I have achieved, that I never thought possible, was to complete a 60km walk raising money for cancer.
How has life changed for you?
The biggest change for me has been my confidence and self belief! I remember saying to Lauren when I first started that I couldn't be a successful client here and now look at me. I no longer doubt myself or have a defeated attitude, my kids had never even seen me in a swimsuit as I never had the confidence to wear one and now I can! Instead of being embarrassed and missing out on things in life, I can now enjoy things like holidays and special occasions. A big moment for me was going to Tasmania for a holiday with my husband and surprising him with how active I could be. This confidence has then had a flow on affect to all areas of my life, I am doing things I would not of had confidence to do previously like taking art classes and I am actually doing well at them!
I have developed a great discipline to get up and exercise every day, it's like my body craves it. In the past, I had much less energy and would struggle getting out of bed, even if I had a session to attend. I now surround myself with positive people who are supportive of me and my goals rather than negative.
What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?
My favourite thing would have to be the education and nutrition advice I have received since joining. I couldn't believe how much food I needed to eat to help improve my metabolism but it worked. I had previously used Weight Watchers but could never keep any weight off as I never learnt what I needed to do long term. This education has in a way completed my health and fitness. I love the tools that you have to utilize such as the food diary and eating to exercise calculator which initially I didn't believe would help me.
What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and is thinking about making a change?
Well I would obviously highly recommend Vision.
I would advise on coupling exercise and nutrition together in order to help you achieve your goals. At the end of the day it's all about your food, exercise alone won't do the trick. Also, don't think you need to go on crazy diets or cut everything out, I couldn't believe how much food I needed to eat in order to help me lose the weight.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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