Client from Gymea

Growing up I did not play in any sports or do any regular exercise other than what I was made to do. One day when my son did not want to go to soccer training, I told him he had to go because exercise is really important and he said "why should I have to if you don't exercise ever?" The worst thing was that he was right so I decided to make a change and come to Vision. Starting out I felt like I was dying during the weights sessions and I still do to this day but as soon as I am finished, I feel so much better and I know it is all worth it.
I have type 1 diabetes and have had to watch and understand the food I eat my whole life. The nutrition advice and education provided by Vision has not only given me a greater understanding of nutrition but more importantly I have halved the amount of insulin I need and I have better control over my blood sugar levels which makes me feel like I have more energy through the day. The team at Vision have been amazing there is not a single day that I come into the gym and I'm not laughing and having a great time while doing things I never thought possible.
Exercise has now become a part of not only my life but my family's too. We are more active together, eating better and my son can't wait to come to the gym with me and now says he wants to train to be strong like mum.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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