Client from Frenchs Forest

I've suffered from Multiple Sclerosis for 16 years. I was an active teanager but in my early twenties I was also diagnosed with Lupus. When I tried to tackle high intensity cardio like running, I would fatigue quickly. As an alternative I opted for low impact exercise. Eventually work commitments increased, long days and travel meant by 30, although my health was doing fairly well, excercise was down to walking between meetings leaving me with a few extra kilos.
I decided to join Vision Personal Training Frenchs Forest after reading an article on the benefits of weight training for MS suffers. Before long I was hooked, weight training 3 days and week and slowly building my fitness levels to mid range cardio through participation in group classes. Two years on I'm strong and still hooked! I maintain a gluten free and organic diet- I make a mean low carb banana bread and my cacao protein balls aren't bad either. My training consists of weights 6 days a week, jogging 5km (not running) 3 days a week and regular group classes.
Next steps...keep to listening to my body, push myself as far as I can while knowing my limits and continue to share my love of fitness and nutrition.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Frenchs Forest Success Stories

Sharon & Ebony Hill

Matthew Jonkers

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