Client from Wollongong | Trainer: Michelle Guliker
Before joining Vision, I knew I was frustrated with my physical self. I was embarrassed when I looked at photos of myself, to be confronted with how big I actually was. Shopping for clothes was becoming increasingly difficult, and I hated that I was limited to where I could shop. I was also very lethargic, and reluctant to even go for a walk. I found myself struggling for breath when going uphill, and stairs were my arch nemesis! I also found myself preoccupied with food, and overindulged regularly in secret, thinking, “What does another bit matter?” I knew my behaviour was concerning to my son and partner, who both worried for my health and possible future issues. It also led to my partner saying he wouldn’t buy a home with me because he was too worried about my health and the future. At that point, I felt equal parts anger and helplessness; anger at him for pointing out that my weight was an issue even though I was that way when we met, and helplessness because I didn’t feel I could find the motivation to change myself.
The first time I looked at the website, and in the initial meeting, I felt like I was where I was meant to be. I could see people who looked like me and had changed. And I was in a safe and supportive space, where I would have access to knowledgeable people and equipment without feeling judged. Since joining, what has surprised me most is how well educated I have become. I thought I knew a lot about healthy food and exercise choices, but I have since learnt so much more, and can now be in an environment where I can’t control the food available (e.g. at a party or family gathering), yet have the knowledge about smart choices to make in those situations, how to exercise constraint and how to feel satisfied with a little taste.
There have been so many benefits of being with Vision. The physical changes speak for themselves. I can now walk into any shop and try on clothes, feel undaunted by hills and stairs (which I can now take without losing breath), and love the positive reactions of friends and family. I feel energised, seek opportunities to be active, and feel the healthiest I ever have. And on reflection, this happened in a relatively short space of time. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits though, is that my trainers and the team unlocked my innate determination to achieve and motivation to continue on this journey. The consistent focus on long term, short term and weekly goals means that I am always striving towards something in really manageable steps.
And now I’m working on some of my ‘wishlist’ items such as skydiving and buying a house; both goals I didn’t think possible nine months ago! Whenever someone asks me what my secret is to my transformation (because that’s how I see it), I tell them it’s Vision Personal Training.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Wollongong Success Stories
Lauren Losurdo
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